As the post says…
Would really appreciate hearing your preference and thoughts on these names.
Many Thanks x
As the post says…
Would really appreciate hearing your preference and thoughts on these names.
Many Thanks x
I like both but my favourite is [name]Celeste[/name] I think it is a very feminine, beautiful sounding name
[name]Hi[/name] Xlc, I think it depends on what name most suits your style. [name]Alice[/name] is an underused classic with a literary connection (eg. [name]Alice[/name] in Wonderland). [name]Celeste[/name] is more romantic and ethereal with a lovely meaning of “heavenly”. I was given the middle name of [name]Alice[/name] in honor of my aunt and godmother but it’s only recently that I’ve grown to like this plain and simple name. In spite of this fact, I still do prefer the more softer and feminine sounding [name]Celeste[/name]. Why don’t you take both names to the hospital with you and decide when you meet your daughter? All the best, [name]Mischa[/name].
I love both. What middle names are you considering?
[name]Love[/name] both - [name]Alice[/name] I think more of a little proper English girl ( like wonderland [name]Alice[/name])
…and I’ve always been happy with it. Not too common, but easy to spell. And when I travel to countries where it isn’t common at all, people get all happy and say, like [name]Alice[/name] in Wonderland? Which is sweet from non-English speakers happy to meet a real [name]Alice[/name], and makes for a good ice breaker. The name has lots of good literary and musical allusions, and few actual people.
[name]Celeste[/name] is pretty, but sounds a little too ethereal, almost to the point of vapidity, IMHO.
[name]Baby[/name] girl is already here! We are having terrible trouble naming her. We actually already registered her with a different name but
don’t feel sure it is right so haven’t started using it yet. We are now seriously thinking of changing the name legally so i need to
consider alternative options carefully!
Middle name/s must include [name]Violet[/name]. If we go with [name]Celeste[/name] I think there will have to be 2 middle names as [name]Celeste[/name] and [name]Violet[/name] don’t
sound great together as both end in ‘t’ sounds??
[name]Celeste[/name] suits my style better ([name]Mischa[/name] - I too have only recently grown to love the name [name]Alice[/name]) However, husband is not overly keen on [name]Celeste[/name], in particular he thinks the '‘t’ sound at the end sounds a little harsh with the M at the start of our surname. He may be
right but i still love the name!
[name]Alice[/name] on the other hand flows more easily with [name]Violet[/name] and our surname …but it getting very popular in the UK…
Any more thoughts anyone?
I would choose [name]Alice[/name] because of the flow and because I just prefer it to [name]Celeste[/name]. I wouldn’t worry about popularity too much- just go with what you love and will work best! Good luck:)
[name]Alice[/name] and [name]Celeste[/name] are both lovely names- [name]Alice[/name] also has the bonus of the nickname [name]Ali[/name], but [name]Celeste[/name] is less popular…it depends on what your child seems like to you
I love [name]Alice[/name], it’s beautiful and simple and vintage… it gets my vote. But [name]Celeste[/name] is a wonderful, underused name too… best of luck!
I adore [name]Alice[/name] and am trying hard to convince my husband! To me it’s feminine, but not too frilly and [name]Ali[/name] and Lissy are cute nicknames. Good luck!