All those "lyn" names

After reading a few posts, I keep thinking about how popular names that end in “lyn” are. I am fond of a few myself. My DH and I were chatting and he suggested what may be my favorite ‘[name]Lyn[/name]’ name - [name]Carlin[/name]. The name means little champion, which I personally think is great, and DH is a big fan of [name]George[/name] [name]Carlin[/name] ( maybe most would not consider him a great role model, but both of us want our children to think for themselves, something [name]Carlin[/name] definitely did). What do you think of the name, especially for a girl? [name]Feel[/name] free to add your favorite "lyn’ names as well.

[name]Carlin[/name] is a good name, although I’d be inclined to prefer it on a boy. I’m sure that’s change if I met a female one though :slight_smile:

I’m partial to [name]Kaylin[/name] and [name]Caitlin[/name] myself

I’m not a fan of [name]Carlin[/name] at all, sorry! Probably because I’m not a fan of [name]George[/name] [name]Carlin[/name]. At all.

I really love [name]Caitlin[/name], [name]Gwendolyn[/name], [name]Jocelyn[/name], and [name]Madeleine[/name]. [name]Gracelyn[/name]'s a GP of mine, too, but I wouldn’t use it.

[name]Carlin[/name]'s not really my taste, but even though I wouldn’t use it I think there are a lot of aspects of it that make it a really great, wearable name - it has sounds in common with many names that pretty frequently used right now ([name]Carly[/name], [name]Carolyn[/name], [name]Caitlin[/name]) but [name]Carlin[/name] itself isn’t widely used, the meaning “little champion” is pretty awesome, and I like the [name]George[/name] [name]Carlin[/name] reference.

“[name]Lyn[/name]” names lately make me think of that [name]Ted[/name] trailer where they list off all of the “whie trash” lyn names (Ted- White Girl Names - YouTube), which isn’t a great association, but I think [name]Carlin[/name] is sort of removed from that, I guess because the “lyn” there seems like a part of the name rather than an added on component.

It’s still too surname-y for my taste, but i don’t think it would stand out that much these days… i do think it might be better on a boy, but who knows.

My favorite -lyn names are [name]Jocelyn[/name], [name]Adelyn[/name], and [name]Caitlin[/name].

I like [name]Carlin[/name] but spelling it the same way as [name]George[/name] [name]Carlin[/name] makes me think of a boy’s name. What about using [name]Carlynn[/name]? Or changing it slightly to [name]Caylin[/name], [name]Kailyn[/name], or [name]Carleen[/name]…?

I do not find [name]Carlin[/name] attractive at all. [name]Caroline[/name] / [name]Carolyn[/name] is much more feminine.

I don’t like most names that end in -lyn. A few that can be pronounced with lyn, I suppose like [name]Madeline[/name] and [name]Caroline[/name].

Very unisex & surnamey. Makes me think of [name]Carlie[/name] or [name]Carla[/name]. I would be more inclined to use [name]Carla[/name] [name]Lynn[/name] nn [name]Carlyn[/name]. But I am more of a tradionalist.

I like [name]Carmen[/name] which is same sounding. As far as -lyn names I like [name]Evelyn[/name] a lot.

[name]George[/name] [name]Carlin[/name] was certainly one of the most original comedians of our time - a brilliant mind, quick wit and proudly irreverent. I’m not a huge fan of the “surnames as first names” trend but [name]Carlin[/name] isn’t too bad. But personally, I would go with a version of his first name so it’s not so obvious a connection ([name]Georgia[/name], [name]Georgiana[/name], [name]Georgina[/name] etc). But since you like “lyn” names, these are probably not your style.

Some “lyn” names …


I actually don’t mind it. I think it’s a little more visually appealing and feminine as [name]Carlyn[/name] but I think it’s nice. Could use [name]Carly[/name], [name]Cary[/name], [name]Lyn[/name], etc.

Though it does look a lot like [name]Caroline[/name]/[name]Carolyn[/name] so it will likely be misspelled a lot.

I adore [name]Evelyn[/name] and I like [name]Gwendolyn[/name]

I had an uncle who named his pitbull Clapton. Then the dog died and he got another pitbull and named it Clapton 2. This dog had such a strong bite that my uncle attached a chew-toy to the flagpole wire in his front yard and raised the dog up it at his Fourth of [name]July[/name] barbecue. Naming your daughter [name]Carlin[/name] after [name]George[/name] [name]Carlin[/name] makes me think (affectionately) of my hick uncle and his dog.

I like [name]Shaelyn[/name] :slight_smile:

I really dislike [name]Carolyn[/name] because I’m a [name]Caroline[/name] and it always gets confused.

I do however like [name]Evelyn[/name], [name]Gwendolyn[/name], and [name]Marilyn[/name] quite a bit.
I dislike when it feels like the -lynn is just tacked on the end (like the scene from [name]Ted[/name] that has already been referenced) or when I feel like it should be a -line or -leen instead!

I am not a fan of [name]Carlin[/name]. I know of a guy that was named [name]Carlin[/name] and one of my friends named their daughter Karlynn nn [name]Karlie[/name]. They were originally going to name her [name]Karlie[/name] [name]Lynn[/name] but changed it to Karlynn being the first name. I do not like it. And I am a fan of both surnames as names and unisex names. For some reason this one just doesnt’ do it for me. I do love nn [name]Carly[/name] though.

  • lyn names I like…

A former co-worker of mine is named [name]Carlyn[/name] and she is one of the sweetest women I know, so nothing but good associations for me. She is in her 50s, so it doesn’t feel trendy to me.

I know a [name]Karlyn[/name] so that spelling seems more feminine and yes probably more trendy. She is in her late 20’s. I never realized it was a last name I don’t even know who [name]George[/name] [name]Carlin[/name] is. :slight_smile: I’ve always liked it though and wouldn’t consider it masculine. Again, I know a female [name]Karlyn[/name] though. My favorite lyn names are [name]Madelyn[/name] and [name]Adelyn[/name], but I really like [name]Madelyn[/name]. It was on my list til a friend used [name]Adelyn[/name]. Now, I would be more inclined to use the [name]Madeleine[/name] spelling but I like the simplicity and clarity (of pronunciation) of [name]Madelyn[/name].

I like [name]Carlin[/name], but do not care for [name]Carlyn[/name]. That would be taking a strong unisex name, which is partially in honor of a free spirit, and femme-ing it up because a girl’s name must be cutesy and soft.

I don’t think you’d get too many raised eyebrows, even from the Madicyn set.

[name]Brooklyn[/name], [name]Braelyn[/name], Amberlyn, [name]Carolyn[/name], [name]Madelyn[/name], [name]Raelynn[/name], and [name]Ashlyn[/name]

I like [name]Carlin[/name]. For the association, and just in general. (Though, I seem to have a thing for most Hard-C names!)

I’d personally be more inclined to use it on a boy. That’s just me. I’m not overly fond of the unisex names. But, it’s not unheard of!

For some reason I would be more partial to [name]Carlyn[/name] for a girl. Which, creates quite a paradox in my head. Because I’m also not fond of just turning a “boy” name into a “girl” name by adding/changing a few letters. And, it’s only in spelling. Introduction/sound wise, it’s the Exact same name.

I think it’s a great name for boy or girl. Spelling depends on if you’re more into unisex names or creative spellings.