Allie Vela Hesper

Is [name_u]Allie[/name_u] too nicknamey to be part of the first name? [name_u]Allie[/name_u] [name_f]Vela[/name_f] is a double-barrel, by the way. :slight_smile: WDYT ?

(Allie is an honor name for an [name_u]Allison[/name_u] nn Allie.)

i think allie works perfectly as a full name, but the ā€œlā€ sounds in allie vela through the flow off for me.


I completely agree with hannahhh. Too many lā€™s.

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I agree too - [name_u]Allie[/name_u] [name_f]Vela[/name_f] has too many L sounds. Also it almost sounds like one standalone name - like Alivela? Not a negative exactly, just an observation.

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I actually really like Alivela!!!

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I like [name_u]Allie[/name_u]. If names like [name_f]Edie[/name_f], [name_f]Millie[/name_f], [name_f]Tilly[/name_f] and [name_f]Evie[/name_f] work, why not [name_u]Allie[/name_u] :slight_smile: [name_u]Allie[/name_u] [name_f]Vela[/name_f] has a nice flow

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It sounds like a code name or a tongue twister to me. [name_u]Allie[/name_u] does not seem substantial enough for a first to me.

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I commented on you Alivela thread, but just wanted to stop in and say I would be a big fan of Alivela [name_f]Hesper[/name_f]! So lovely.

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