Me again! Would you consider [name]Atticus[/name] trendy? I can’t tell if I’m wondering because I think it is, or if I’m wondering because I see it on nameberry so much. Also…[name]Beckett[/name]. Trendy? Went to a mainstream name board and it’s on a lot of lists unfortunately.
As of last night my husbands favorites are [name]Beckett[/name], [name]Atticus[/name], [name]Mathias[/name] and [name]Everett[/name]. I think I’m leaning [name]Atticus[/name], [name]Everett[/name], [name]Mathias[/name], [name]August[/name]. I’ve thrown around [name]Felix[/name], [name]Abram[/name], Dempsey, [name]Rexford[/name] and [name]Brigham[/name] the last couple of days but I just dont know. My husbands grandfathers are jack and max so I’m also tossing those into the possible middle name section. I was swooning over [name]Leopold[/name] [name]Jack[/name] [name]Louis[/name] but dh doesn’t like [name]Leopold[/name] as well as the others.
[name]Atticus[/name] was #462 in 2011 and has been climbing steadily upward for years. There were 574 babies named [name]Atticus[/name] in 2011.
For [name]Beckett[/name], #330 in 2011, with 924 babies born with the name.
Check the social security site for more info, but, both those names are on a steady upward trend, so if they seem still somewhat uncommon, they may not 4 or 5 years from now. I think [name]Beckett[/name] will definitely be a top 100 eventually, and [name]Atticus[/name] could be too.
[name]Atticus[/name] is on an upward trend, but remember that 10 years ago it wasn’t even in the top 1000. So even though it is steadily getting more popular, it is still at #462. My DH & I have [name]Atticus[/name] on our list, and it seems like everyone likes this name, but they all say the same thing. “I want someone I know to use this name. I love it, I just don’t see it for MY kid.” I think that will keep it from ever getting too popular. We have very similar tastes in names! I have a [name]Felix[/name], and for #2 we have thrown around [name]Atticus[/name], [name]August[/name], [name]Everett[/name], & [name]Abram[/name]. [name]Desmond[/name] is also a top contender at the moment
I say if you love [name]Atticus[/name] I would not worry one bit about the popularity. [name]Felix[/name] is #311 and I have yet to meet another one.
Littlemrsb-thanks for that info, it helps seeing that even though [name]Atticus[/name] is behind [name]Beckett[/name] 130 places the number of babies given the name is almost halved. I think another thing with [name]Beckett[/name] is the Becks, Bekhams, Breccans, etc. my son [name]Nolan[/name]'s name just made the top 100 this year and it makes me a bit sad. I love his name but I do know several other younger Nolans now. I would like to avoid that if possible.
Naviz-great name options…you are right, we do have similar tastes. I love [name]Bianca[/name], [name]Juliet[/name], [name]Penelope[/name], [name]June[/name]/[name]Juno[/name] and [name]Fiona[/name]. My little [name]Juniper[/name] could easily been [name]Juliet[/name] if her aunt wasn’t named [name]Julie[/name]. And I passed on [name]Bianca[/name] in case we had a [name]Beckett[/name] someday…don’t want repeating initials…but now I’m not so sure on [name]Beckett[/name] anyway! My boys are rooting for [name]Felix[/name] especially after seeing Wreck it [name]Ralph[/name]…it was so funny because hubby and I have been tossing it around and then saw the movie last weekend and it was nice to hear it being used. Does your [name]Felix[/name] go by anything for short? My [name]Conrad[/name] is always [name]Conrad[/name] and [name]Nolan[/name] is usually [name]Nolan[/name] but sometimes [name]Noli[/name] Oli…and of course [name]Juniper[/name] is [name]June[/name], [name]Junie[/name], Junebug, [name]Junie[/name] [name]Jane[/name], etc. i dont feel like i need such a nickname with the boys for some reason. [name]How[/name] do others perceive his name in real life? Are there any cat jokes from friends or family?
We live in the Midwest too(guessing by your location that you’re here) and my husband loves [name]Angus[/name] but I really don’t think that’s an option living where we do.
I think you’re right about [name]Atticus[/name] and how that could keep it from getting too popular…that’s another advantage in my eyes.
Would you call him [name]Atticus[/name] or would you use a nickname? [name]Ace[/name] would be a cute nn. I don’t really like [name]Max[/name] or [name]Jack[/name] with it though.
[name]Everett[/name] [name]Max[/name] and [name]Everett[/name] [name]Jack[/name] both sound great and nn Rett is cool!
[name]Atticus[/name] is a very sharp sound as well, which is different than your other children. But it’s a nice name and not very popular so if you love it then use it!
I’ve never met a real life [name]Atticus[/name], despite it’s seeming popularity. I often wonder how it would be received around here - while I like it in theory I have a feeling many (if not most) would find it a bit pretentious. I’m also in the Midwest
FWIW, I really like [name]Beckett[/name] with your other children!
There is a huge difference imho with the number of people who list the name, or even talk about it on message boards and the number of babies actually named [name]Atticus[/name] in a year. I look at certain names talked about on here and then think about how many children I actually know with that name before deciding whether or not to consider it. [name]Hope[/name] that makes sense!
Thanks jemama, I think that’s a good way too look at it! I think I just hear it so much on here.
[name]Tara[/name]-yes, [name]Emmett[/name] is out for that reason, I do like it though! I wonder how it will be perceived as well…although that’s less important to me as how it sounds with siblings and how much I love it.
Kalaway-we like [name]Gus[/name] and [name]Ace[/name] for nicknames. Middles names ban be [name]David[/name], [name]Henry[/name], [name]Max[/name], [name]Jack[/name] or [name]Louis[/name]. I’d like [name]Louis[/name] regardless then one more of the others. [name]Louis[/name] is from my side and the rest are on my husbands side. [name]Even[/name] [name]Lou[/name] would be okay to avoid the ‘us’ ending with [name]Atticus[/name].
I love this post! I have been wondering the same thing myself about names- are they popular in the real world or just here? I feel like almost everyone on nameberry would name their son [name]Atticus[/name] or [name]Dashiell[/name] in theory, but in reality we often have our SOs, husbands, families and traditions to contend with when making a decision.
I was a teacher for 8 years and I have to say, unless a name was in the top 10 (top 20 maybe), you never heard it more than once a day (and I would have 125-150 kids that I’d see every day). And even if you love a name that IS a top 10 name- so what if another kids has it somewhere in your area? I just wouldn’t want my kid to have the same name as a close family member or friend’s child- people that you spend a lot of your time with.
As someone who lives in a major city and spends a lot of time now at small children’s parties, I have never ever heard of a child with the name [name]Atticus[/name], [name]Everett[/name] or [name]Beckett[/name]. I would go with the name that you like best and not worry about how popular it is. My name is fairly common and it never bothered me to meet someone else with the same name. [name]Nor[/name] did I ever feel that my individuality was compromised.
We were nervous about naming our son [name]Felix[/name], but once he was born we had no regrets. We have had [name]ZERO[/name] [name]Felix[/name] the [name]Cat[/name] jokes! I can’t believe it! Some people have brought up the Odd Couple, but not in a mean or bad way. Most people respond positively. [name]Just[/name] yesterday we got a, “Oh! [name]How[/name] distinguished!” (with a smile) I think people like hearing something fresh, and yet classic.
I didn’t know there’s a [name]Felix[/name] in ‘Wreck it [name]Ralph[/name]’… now I’m going to have to check it out. [name]Hope[/name] it helped the name! Ya never know how those things can go.
Oh, and everyone just calls him [name]Felix[/name].
I love [name]Juniper[/name]! But we know a [name]Junia[/name], which is too close for us, since they go back to similar nicknames. We are thinking [name]Veronica[/name] if we have a girl. Maybe [name]Veronica[/name] [name]Azalea[/name] or [name]Veronica[/name] [name]Juliet[/name]… or something else entirely! Ya never know
I love the name [name]Beckett[/name] - we named our son [name]Beckett[/name] [name]Milo[/name] I was hesitant at first because of the possible nickname “Becks” - to me that’s what girls call their friend [name]Rebecca[/name]. We rarely shorten it and if we do, we just say “[name]Beck[/name]”. We get lots of questions re: literary/historic references, etc ([name]Samuel[/name] [name]Beckett[/name], [name]Thomas[/name] [name]Beckett[/name]) and, while it wasn’t our intent, I sure don’t mind! While our son is 2 years old, I still don’t know any others with this name. I also love the name [name]Atticus[/name], but again it’s one of those names that I’d love someone to use, but I’m not sure I’m brave enough to. [name]Love[/name] the literary reference with this one, too
We are having the same desensitization issues in naming our third, due in [name]March[/name]. I hear so many names all the time on here, but honestly, I haven’t heard most popular ones used in real life. And many of them that I’ve grown to love from this site are completely lost to my rather safe, conventional husband! Go with your gut - you know what you love! Sounds like you’re being thoughtful and intentional with the decision. I think your choices are great - no matter which one you choose!
[name]Just[/name] an additional thought - I think it’s somewhat flattering to be on the cusp of a new name trend. If you are thinking of names like [name]Beckett[/name] and [name]Atticus[/name], which are on the rise but not yet “popular” it might be great to be at the start of that. No one will say you’re copying anyone, but that you’re a trendsetter instead
I’ve been wondering about [name]Atticus[/name] myself, especially since a friend shared with me that it’s a top contender if she ever has a son (she has two daughters.) It is certainly trending up, but is not yet popular, seeming to share the arc of [name]Roman[/name] counterparts like [name]Titus[/name] and [name]Maximus[/name].
Mulling over possible nicknames after this conversation with my friend, I think I came up with a cute one: [name]Tuck[/name].
By the way, I also love [name]Mathias[/name]. I have three brothers, and a fourth would probably have been named [name]Matthias[/name].
Best wishes!
[name]Tara[/name]- I do like the sound of [name]Louis[/name], I guess since it also has the us ending. However there are a couple that I know that go by [name]Louie[/name] and I’d feel weird using it. [name]One[/name] 2nd cousin, another a neighbor. [name]Lou[/name] is my grandmas middle name, and [name]Louis[/name] is my grandpa so that’s why I’d like to use it in the middle somewhere
Mrsod-that’s good to hear, I really think just reading so much about baby names skews what is really out there. I stalk the local hospitals announcements and out of them all there has only been one [name]Beckett[/name]. However, he is the son a friend, not close…we went to high school together…but still makes it a little strange. She does know we’ve had it picked out since we had juniper. Other mutual friends might think we copied though.
navis- fix it felix is a main character…the good guy with the golden hammer you should def check it out. Thats good to hear that there have been no negative associations. I agree about fresh yet classic. [name]Veronica[/name] fits nicely, when are you due?
[name]Aurora[/name] dawn-thanks! I’ll be sure to come back when baby arrives…late [name]January[/name]/early feb. I have a feeling if it’s a boy I won’t be sure of a name til seeing him. Then I’ll be hormonal and still not sure which name to pick…wish I could get it down to two before then. Mathiasis a family name that I’ve grown to love…do not want [name]Matt[/name] though. [name]Tuck[/name] for [name]Atticus[/name] is very cute…it rhymes with my husbands name. In fact when I first picked [name]Beckett[/name] it was because that name shares three of his letters of his first name. I also looked for names that have something to do with deer. I think [name]Huck[/name] would be so cute too but huckleberry is too much and [name]Huxley[/name] is my nephew. What area does your friend live in?