Am I setting her up?

My husband and I had the same problem only we wanted [name]Ray[/name]-gun. I liked ree-gan too but we chose the other and spelled it [name]Raegan[/name] so it was easier to not be mistaken. I’m not sure there is any other way to spell regan so people don’t mistake it [name]Regan[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] is a great name!

I read ree-gan. If you were trying to make it ray-gan or make a political statement (it’s happened!) you’d spell it like the president. But I definitely think there will be some people who will assume that’s what it’s for, even if most us (who seem to be quite well read) didn’t.

No matter how it’s spelled, in my head I read it as both, if that makes sense. I see [name]Reagan[/name] and have to mentally correct myself from [name]Reegan[/name] to Raygan. [name]Every[/name] time. Same goes for [name]Regan[/name].

So yeah. Lots of mispronunciation problems. But it’s not a big deal, a lot of people have to correct others on their name. I think it’s cute.

[name]How[/name] would you pronounce this? [name]Ree[/name]-gan. As I too have it on my list and prefer it that way.

I think I am beginning to realize that so many names have multiple pronunciation options. [name]Even[/name] my [name]Caroline[/name] is occasionally called [name]Carolyn[/name] which I don’t understand but accept. It is a moment in time to correct someone politely so I think we will go with [name]Regan[/name] since I like the sound with the sib set (Maryn [name]Cassidy[/name], [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Quinn[/name] and [name]Regan[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name])!

Whenever I see [name]Regan[/name] I def say [name]RAY[/name]-gan, as do most people I know. It seems to me to be like [name]Megan[/name] and [name]Meagan[/name] (both pn the same).

Go for it. [name]Even[/name] if people mispronounce her name occasionally, so what? Pretty much all of us have to deal with it. I would worry if you were using a fairly foreign name that is uncommon to wherever she will be growing up. Like [name]Sadhbh[/name] would be totally cruel to use on a kid where I’m from, but [name]Regan[/name] is pretty straightforward. Sure, some people will mispronounce it, but it’s a quick correction and I don’t think it will be too bothersome. I have to correct people fairly often and my name is pretty straightforward too, but it happens and I don’t think she’s going to suffer from people occasionally pronounce her name [name]Ray[/name]-gun.

I have one of those names that is always mispronounced- [name]Tamara[/name]. I have had to correct people on the pronunciation my entire life, but the thing is, you only have to correct each person once, and then they get. It’s not a big deal to me at all. If you love [name]Regan[/name], use it. Your daughter will be fine.

I have a name that has two possible pronunciations, and most people initially go with the “other” one first. Usually I just have to correct each person once, and it’s not a big deal. I will personally give my children names that only have one clear pronunciation but sometimes even “safe” names aren’t so safe!

That being said, I think [name]Regan[/name] is similar in that it could go either way, [name]Ray[/name]-gun or [name]Ree[/name]-gun. But once she says, “[name]Regan[/name], rhymes with vegan,” then she’s good to go. For all the times I’ve had to correct someone, I haven’t regretted my name. [name]Regan[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] is beautiful! I think you should go for it.

I would automatically pronounce it [name]Ree[/name]-gan, but I’m British and love [name]King[/name] Lear! I don’t know where the ‘[name]Ray[/name]’ sound would even come from!

I say embrace it, and teach people the correct pronunciation as you go!

Thank you for all of these thoughtful replies! We still haven’t decided on a girl’s name but are leaning towards [name]Regan[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] right now. I hope the majority of people are as well read as this forum, but fear that will not be the case.

I read [name]REE[/name]-gan. It’s not a big deal to have to correct people, and it happens even with “normal” names… My name is [name]Laura[/name] - hugely popular a couple of decades ago - and it is pronounced both [name]LORE[/name]-uh and LAHR-uh by people.