
What are your feelings/thoughts on [name]Amara[/name]? I think its beautiful and I love the meaning…‘eternal/lovely forever’ and the fact that it is multi-cultural…and can be translated in many languages! I think its simplity is part of its beauty but part of me wonders if its just a bit plain?

Any cute nn’s with a different feel? I like mara but the vibe is similar…I love spunky/fun nn’s on little kids…what about [name]Marley[/name]…too much of a stretch?

I also think [name]Amara[/name] is beautiful. I’m not a fan of [name]Marley[/name] to begin with so for me it is a stretch.
nn like [name]Ama[/name] or [name]Mara[/name], [name]Ara[/name], or even [name]Rae[/name] work better for me (though I guess the last is a stretch as well).

I have [name]Amara[/name] on my list, and for a nickname I have [name]Maury[/name]. Or if you prefer Mauri/[name]Maurie[/name].

[name]Amara[/name] is lovely. Personally, I don’t think this one needs a NN, but something like the PP’s suggestion of Mauri/[name]Mari[/name] might work.

I like [name]Amara[/name], and can also see [name]Amy[/name] as a nn.

I love it! A close family friends has twin girls [name]Alice[/name] and [name]Amara[/name] so I’ve seen it in the real world. She gets compliments all the time. I don’t find the name plain at all! I also don’t think it needs a nickname, but that’s your decision :slight_smile:

For nicknames besides [name]Mara[/name], I think [name]Amy[/name], [name]Ama[/name], [name]Ara[/name], [name]Ari[/name], [name]Mari[/name], Amra, Rara.

I think it’s cute! and the meaning is absolutely beautiful, but the name itself is slighty on the plain side in my opinion.

I don’t think Amara needs a nn but I like Mara. I don’t like Marley and it’s kind of a stretch as a nn for Amara. Good luck :slight_smile:

It’s one of my favorites.
[name]One[/name] of my good friends is an [name]Amara[/name], it does travel beautifully and she’s never used a nn

[name]Marley[/name], [name]Mara[/name], [name]Amie[/name], Ames all could work though

Thank you all for your feedback! Anyone else have thoughts on [name]Amara[/name]?

I like it.

I think it’s very pretty. [name]One[/name] of my friends has two beautiful little girls, [name]Brynna[/name] and [name]Amara[/name], and I like how their names sound together. I also like how both names are (at least to me) modern-sounding without being too “tryndee,” yet they’re both real names with history and substance.
If I had to choose a nickname for [name]Amara[/name], I’d probably go with [name]Mari[/name].
Best wishes!

I don’t think [name]Amara[/name] is plain at all. It’s unexpected but absolutely beautiful. [name]Marley[/name] isn’t a stretch at all, as you do have the very clear mar sound in the name. [name]Amara[/name] nn [name]Marley[/name] is fantastic!

Your could pull off [name]Marley[/name] if the middle name had [name]Lee[/name] in it. :slight_smile:
