Amber or Mina?

Which do you like better?

I like both but [name_f]Mina[/name_f] has the edge - it’s sweet but tough, short but feminine, literary but very usable

I’ve always had a soft spot for [name_f]Mina[/name_f].

Another vote for [name_f]Mina[/name_f]!

More love for [name_f]Mina[/name_f]!

I prefer [name_f]Mina[/name_f]

Definitely [name_f]Mina[/name_f]!

I guess I’m the odd one out but I personally prefer [name_f]Amber[/name_f]!

I actually prefer [name_f]Amber[/name_f] too! I know it’s a little dated, but I think it sounds much prettier than [name_f]Mina[/name_f].

I know a [name_f]Mina[/name_f], so I have very good associations with name, and I think it has a soft, sweet feel. However, that also means I personally can only picture one person having that name, so I wouldn’t use it myself :slight_smile:

[name_f]Amber[/name_f] used to be one of my absolute favourite names when I was younger. It is a little dated, but is definitely still wearable. It’s fiesty and spunky.