Okay, I am quite possibly crazy. No need to point that out.
HOWEVER. I have a [name]Rose[/name] to honor, but would never dream of using it for a girl – a perfectly nice name, but too obviously girly for my taste. I like the name [name]Ambrose[/name], not a ton, but enough. I am, though, kind of in love with [name]Rosey[/name] as a nickname for a little boy. [name]Rosey[/name] [name]Greer[/name] seems to have set precedent, and [name]Rose[/name] as a given name for boys appears in varying states of popularity through the early part of last century.
What do you all think? I’m not really concerned with teasing, as I grew up with a [name]Gaylord[/name] who was left alone and about a million kids with totally normal names that someone still managed to morph into all manner of lewd or silly things.
Is [name]Ambrose[/name] too stuffy, and [name]Rosey[/name] too goofy?
I am pretty open minded but I just can’t get behind [name]Rosey[/name] for a boy. It is less about teasing and more about just general confusion. I do like [name]Ambrose[/name] though, nm Broze? [name]Brody[/name]?
As for [name]Rose[/name] for a girl I am partial to [name]Rosemary[/name] and [name]Rosamund[/name].
I love a lot of saints names so I do like the name [name]Ambrose[/name] for a boy. However, I’m not too crazy about the nn [name]Rosey[/name]. Since his name already has [name]Rose[/name] in it, there’s no reason that you have to call him [name]Rosey[/name] as a nn. I would suggest that you use Bosie ([name]Beau[/name]-zee) or [name]Broz[/name]/Broze which are a little more masculine. [name]Ambrose[/name] is a bold enough choice as it is so I don’t think you need to add a feminine nn to the mix. Good luck, [name]Mischa[/name].
I love feminine names on boys (and masculine names on girls for that matter), so I think it’s cute. Plus it’s just a nickname. If he doesn’t like it when he grows up, he can just ask you to stop calling him that.
I should say, there is no other nickname that I would consider. [name]Every[/name] one is too… bro.
Nope. No way. [name]Ambrose[/name] is certainly a bold choice and one that I like, but not fair to give a child the name [name]Rosey[/name].
Sorry, but I don’t really think you should call a boy [name]Rosey[/name]…
Hey, I like it. Super tough-sounding, class first name. Feminine nickname (that doesn’t have to be used if he hates it.)
I knew a boy named [name]Roosevelt[/name]. Sometimes we called him [name]Rosey[/name]. He didn’t mind at all.
I have to say, I am not a fan of [name]Rosey[/name]. But if you didn’t want to use the Bro nicknames, what about [name]Ace[/name] or A? Or you could use a middle name that starts with a J and he could be AJ for short. I think I have a thing for initial names
Not really feelin’ [name]Rosey[/name] for a boy. It seems that you aren’t wild about the name [name]Ambrose[/name] anyway, but if you really want to honor a [name]Rose[/name] with that name, why not use [name]Ambrose[/name] in the middle and find a first name that you actually love? I think [name]Ambrose[/name] would be an incredibly handsome middle name!
I’m a huge fan of softer names for boys. And I [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Ambrose[/name], but I don’t think [name]Rosey[/name] would work on a boy. I think both [name]Rose[/name] and [name]Rosey[/name]/[name]Rosie[/name] will become trendy for girls, so I think that would be tough. I do love the nn Ames for [name]Ambrose[/name] though. I even think [name]Bo[/name] would work.
My favourite boy’s name is [name]Ambrose[/name]. Only use it as fn if you really love it too. I would use it as a mn to honour someone, it is [name]Rose[/name] enough!! And as for nicknames, why don’t you just see what happens? I never plan nn for friends or pets, they just come naturally.
Well, we already have middle names sorted out, so it’s a no go for the middle spot.
We wouldn’t be using the nickname [name]Rosey[/name] as a way to further honor the [name]Rose[/name] in our lives – [name]Ambrose[/name] is certainly enough for that – but because I like the nickname. I disagree with those who’ve said it’s an “unfair” proposition, though it seems that we likely run in very different circles. It’s ultimately probably not a serious contender, but who knows: our little dude may come out and be an undeniably rosey [name]Ambrose[/name]. I guess we’ll have to see!
I really like the name [name]Ambrose[/name]. I think [name]Rosey[/name] could work as a nickname, he could always change it if he didn’t like it.
I actually kind of like it. If he doesn’t want you to call him [name]Rosey[/name], I think he will let you know. As for girl names, I love [name]Rosaline[/name] ( from [name]Romeo[/name] and [name]Juliet[/name]) and [name]Rosemary[/name]. Good luck!