I seem to go back and forth between liking [name]Ambrose[/name] and right now I really love it enough to put it on my “real life” list. “An Occurrence at Owl Creek [name]Bridge[/name]” is one of my favorite short stories so the [name]Ambrose[/name] Bierce connection is an added bonus.
My husband isnt into names but he likes this one because it’s masculine, popular in [name]France[/name] and has a lot of great namesakes (St. [name]Ambroise[/name], [name]Ambroise[/name] [name]Par[/name]é). However he isnt OK with the [name]Ambrose[/name] spelling because it’s pretty nonexistent in [name]France[/name]. He thinks Americans arent as critical of different spellings or prn’s so it’s better to use the one that friends and family over there are familiar with (which is [name]Ambroise[/name] Ambroise Thomas pronunciation: How to pronounce Ambroise Thomas in French). Im not sure I agree and I prefer the [name]Ambrose[/name] spelling and prn!
My question is: Are english speakers familiar with this version? Does it look misspelled? [name]Do[/name] you even like it?
I like [name]Ambrose[/name] better and decided that if we ever had the chance to use it I wouldn’t care how people said it but that might be a problem too.
Have any combo suggestions? So far I have [name]Ambroise[/name] [name]Ulysses[/name] or [name]Ulysses[/name] [name]Ambroise[/name] Aristide but I think theyre both a bit much
I’m bored with my names right now so maybe I’m just reaching but I really like this now!