Amelia or Emaline?

See the results of this poll: Which name do you like?

Respondents: 39 (This poll is closed)

  • Amelia (Amy) Pearl: 19 (49%)
  • Emaline (Emmy) Pearl: 20 (51%)

I had to vote for [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] - it’s just gorgeous! The spelling of [name]Emaline[/name] is very odd to me. I prefer [name]Emmeline[/name] but it’s your choice of course. My concern with your spelling is that your daughter will be correcting people for the rest of her life and that will be frustrating. All the best!

I personally prefer [name]Emaline[/name], but I like the spelling [name]Emeline[/name] or [name]Emmeline[/name]. I think it’s gorgeous and distinguished. [name]Amelia[/name] just doesn’t appeal to me for some reason.

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Amelia[/name]. My 3yo niece is named [name]Amy[/name] (just [name]Amy[/name]) and people comment on her name a lot, how it’s not used often, etc. Another cute nn for [name]Amelia[/name] is [name]Millie[/name], my friend is using that for her daughter. [name]Gracie[/name] [name]Pat[/name] and [name]Millie[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] are adorable together.

I chose [name]Emaline[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] - how pretty! However, I think most people will automatically spell it with 2 m’s. You could go with [name]Emmaline[/name] or [name]Emmeline[/name]. :smiley:

[name]Just[/name] for clarification on the [name]Emaline[/name] spelling: it’s a [name]Ben[/name] Folds song. DD, [name]Grace[/name], was named after the [name]Ben[/name] Folds song, “[name]Gracie[/name]” and our song is “The Luckiest”, by the same artist. We like the idea that they would both be named after one of his songs because of what it means to us. “[name]Emaline[/name]” was the first place either of us heard this name, so we prefer this spelling. I do have reservations about the spelling and pronunciation problems, which is why I am hesitant to use it.

I like the idea of using [name]Emaline[/name] more than [name]Amelia[/name]: I’m not too fond of the medical meaning of [name]Amelia[/name] and I much prefer [name]Emmy[/name] to [name]Amy[/name]. However, with a difficult last name, the more familiar [name]Amelia[/name] may be the one to use.

[name]Both[/name] names are really nice. I kind of prefer [name]Emaline[/name] - it’s more unexpected, to me, and I’m a sucker for -line endings, what can I say. Especially now reading the meaning it has for you, that’s really nice.

I think changing the spelling would still do honor to the song. If you don’t, no problem, but she’ll have to be spelling her name or correcting prns more than the song ever will : D (I look at this spelling, and while I see [name]Emmeline[/name]/[name]Emmaline[/name], I also see a name starting with a long EE sound!).

All best whichever you choose! Two really nice options.

Oh then by all means go with [name]Emaline[/name]! I much prefer [name]Emmy[/name] to [name]Amy[/name] anyway.

I much prefer [name]Amelia[/name]-- for some reason, the [name]Emmeline[/name] names have never really appealed to me. And honestly, for a minute I didn’t even recognize [name]Emaline[/name] as [name]Emmeline[/name]-- it looks like it’s supposed to be pronounced ee-mah-leen or something. [name]Emmeline[/name] just altogether looks more familiar, classic and sophisticated. I agree with the PP that changing the spelling would still honor the song, and I think it’ll make her life a whole lot easier. Although I guess [name]Emmeline[/name]'s not that common of a name, anyway, so maybe it doesn’t matter which spelling.

I like how [name]Emaline[/name] has meaning for your family and if it’s hard to decide between the two names then let that be the tie-breaker! [name]Just[/name] (another) comment on the spelling: spelling it differently from the standard [name]Emmeline[/name] makes me think you want it pronounced differently too.

I can see either [name]Amelia[/name] or [name]Emmeline[/name] with big sister [name]Grace[/name], and the mn [name]Pearl[/name] is great too.

[name]Both[/name] names have meaning: [name]Amelia[/name] was my great-grandmother’s middle name and she was a really cool lady, whom I loved very much. That’s why I’m stuck.

I wouldn’t have a problem with [name]Emmeline[/name], but DH doesn’t like this spelling. Again, stuck.

[name]Emeline[/name]? It’s a compromise between [name]Emmeline[/name] and [name]Emaline[/name], and much more familiar than [name]Emaline[/name], I think. I know a 5-year-old [name]Emeline[/name], so there’s definitely other people using this spelling.

[name]Emilia[/name] would be a compromise between the two names and you still get super cute [name]Emmy[/name] as a nn? Otherwise I prefer [name]Amelia[/name]! :slight_smile:

Seriously? A 50/50 split? Well, that’s no help. I think that the fact that [name]Amelia[/name] is more of a common name and the fact that our last name is not at all, [name]Amelia[/name] is the one we like the best. Thanks for all the comments and voting!

I’m curious, why name your daughter such pretty names and then call her by less pretty, common ones? It seems to be so frequent on this website. I personally think [name]Amelia[/name] and [name]Emaline[/name] are so much prettier than either [name]Amy[/name] or [name]Emmy[/name], which are also names in themselves. And it isn’t like [name]Amelia[/name] And [name]Emaline[/name] are too long to call your kid on a daily basis.

I personally don’t think that [name]Amy[/name] and [name]Emmy[/name] are any less pretty than [name]Amelia[/name] and [name]Emaline[/name]. Nicknames are very important to me because I had namer’s remorse on DD’s name, [name]Grace[/name] [name]Patricia[/name]. I called her a plethora of nicknames that I still use today (including [name]Pat[/name], [name]Gracie[/name] [name]Pat[/name] and [name]Patsy[/name]). I was able to still call my daughter by her name and it helped me get over my namer’s remorse. Also, when they are younger, I think it’s nice to have nicknames that suit their age. When they get older, they can have the choice to go by their formal name or their nickname. Thirdly, I really like double barrelled names, but prefer more formal names on the birth certificate. So [name]Grace[/name] [name]Patricia[/name] becomes [name]Gracie[/name] [name]Pat[/name] and [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] becomes [name]Amy[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] or [name]Millie[/name] [name]Pearl[/name]. And finally, we would still call her [name]Amelia[/name] or [name]Emaline[/name], just not all the time. For me, it’s a win-win.