Amelia vs. Amelie

Which name do you prefer? :slight_smile:

  • [name_f]Amelia[/name_f]
  • [name_f]Amelie[/name_f]
0 voters

Thank you!

Personally, I prefer [name_f]Amelia[/name_f], but that’s because I love names ending -ia, particular -lia as I like [name_f]Lia[/name_f] as a nickname. [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] is very pretty too though.

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For me [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] gives the name a much warmer tone. [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] seems very buttoned-up and prim. Funny because [name_f]Emilia[/name_f] does not give me that vibe.

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Amelie! I love the fresh, sweet sounds

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I know an [name_f]Amelie[/name_f]! She’s sixteen and she loves her name. I think it’s so incredibly sweet and romantic.

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I love [name_f]Amelia[/name_f]! I’ve never liked [name_f]Amelie[/name_f].

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While [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] is lovely, she is so popular! Especially when combined with the [name_f]Emilia[/name_f] spelling. [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] is uncommon and chic, I’ve only ever met one.

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I prefer [name_f]Amelia[/name_f]. I’ve heard [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] get mispronounced too many times in predominantly [name_f]English[/name_f] speaking countries.

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I love [name_f]Amelie[/name_f]! Amelua is just as lovely, but extremely popular I believe, and that would put me off.

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[name_f]Amelie[/name_f] is my daughter’s name so my answer is obvious :blush:

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Thanks everyone!

I do know quite a few Amelias, but no Amelies. I live in [name_f]Canada[/name_f] where [name_u]French[/name_u] is taught beginning at least by age 9 and there’s a few large [name_u]French[/name_u]-speaking communities near me, so the pronunciation I feel like should be ok if we do go with [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] (which I think is where we’re leaning)!

Both are really lovely, but I voted for [name_f]Amelie[/name_f]! It feels a little less buttoned-up to me while still being solid and grounded, which I love. Overall it gives me a lively, cheerful, upbeat vibe, and it’s just plain fun to say! I also prefer the way it looks written, for whatever reason. [name_m]Even[/name_m] as an [name_f]English[/name_f] speaker I find the pronunciation intuitive, so I doubt you’d have pronunciation troubles in your area :slight_smile:

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I go back on forth on which I prefer but I’m really appreciating [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] right now!