**edited it, because I realized this is a super long post-- here’s the bottom line:
I want to introduce you to my little daughter who is sitting on my lap trying to pound the keyboard- her name is [name]Lark[/name]. [name]Lark[/name] what, you ask? [name]Lark[/name] something something [name]Jackson[/name] She doesn’t have a full name yet, but for the details, you can read on. ***
To start, please accept my sincere apologies for leaving you all hanging about my little nameless baby. I know I mentioned that I was ill after my delivery… shortly after my last post I got very ill. I don’t really want to go into super details, except to say that I’ve spent two weeks in the hospital and had three surgeries. I’m going to be admitted to a specialty clinic next week.
I asked DH to update the forums I visit, but he didn’t think of this one. I’m sorry, you all were so much help and I can imagine how frustrating for me to disappear was.
Now to the part you care about- her name. [name]How[/name] to decide with DH eventually stopped being an issue. I was too sick in the hospital to even think about it. DH and DS named her [name]Lark[/name]. They were thinking of me. They thought that was the name I would have chosen for her, and, while it isn’t, I’m certainly fine living with it. Plus, DH said he had started to really love the name and it was DS’s favorite of the day.
We have been calling her [name]Lark[/name] for the past three weeks. I know most of you cringe at [name]Lark[/name], and we’ve certainly gotten mixed reviews from people, but it is cute and happy and light for her-- and it is HER name, for that, I love it.
I don’t know if I told you originally, but it was only on our list because it seemed like a name she chose for herself, so that makes me happy.
As an interesting thing-- DH decided he only wanted her to have one last name. I almost had a serious medical error happen because of my hypenated last name (I carry both of ours) and he didn’t want her to ever have to be in that position. She has my last name. (Sounds like “[name]Jackson[/name]”) In part, to connect her to her older brother (that’s his last name) and because DH and his family are not close, and my family is very close to us. I’m fine with this, as, honestly, personally having a hyphenated last name drives me nuts and I chose it for myself.
For those of you who still want to talk names, she doesn’t have a middle name yet. (Honestly, [name]Lark[/name] could be her middle name, it is just the name we’re going to call her) I don’t have a deadline for her middle name. We have a name to call her now, so the pressure is down, although I would like her name to feel complete (and there is a lovely personalized baby doll I would like to order her for [name]Christmas[/name] )
Now that she only has one last name, I have decided to give her two middle names. After my surgeries, I won’t be having any more children, so there are no more names to save, and something feels right about it to me- especially with calling her [name]Lark[/name].
I would like one name to be a potential “normal” name for her to fall back on if [name]Lark[/name] is difficult. The other, I would like to be a connection name- either connecting her to us emotionally or family connection. (I’ve mentioned before the family tradition of women on my side carrying a form of [name]Mary[/name])
DH and I talked through our pool of potential middle names and restricted them down. He left the final choice to me. You may feel different, but I don’t think [name]Miriam[/name] works with [name]Lark[/name]. Something about it just sounds very wrong to me (that’s why the other forms of [name]Mary[/name])
The pool of potential middles:
[name]Juliet[/name] (beautiful, no connection, my favorite)
[name]Miriam[/name] (form of [name]Mary[/name])
[name]Beth[/name] (strong family connection- my father’s deceased twin sister)
[name]Marybeth[/name] (both [name]Mary[/name] and [name]Beth[/name]
Maryweld (a form of [name]Mary[/name] that was suggested on this forum that I adore if it really does mean “[name]Mary[/name] of the woods”, as we live in the woods and [name]Lark[/name] is the happiest baby outside in the woods… however, I’m having trouble finding a reliable source saying it really means that- does anyone know more history?)
[name]Aster[/name] (strong emotional connector)
[name]Nora[/name] (family connection, after my gm [name]Norma[/name])
Although you all are the master name suggesters, the only suggestions I would like are how to arrange those names with [name]Lark[/name] or another form of [name]Beth[/name] that might fit better with [name]Lark[/name] (although, I think I’ve been through all of them… :P)
If you want to help, I’d [name]LOVE[/name] the input. I’ll try to not disappear again (DH knows now to update this forum if something happens). If not, I totally understand and please accept my sincere thanks for all your help and suggestions along the way.
Otherwise, I promise, when I make the decision, I’ll let you know about my little [name]Lark[/name]'s full name.
My favorites right now are:
[name]Lark[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] Maryweld [name]Jackson[/name]
[name]Lark[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] [name]Aster[/name] [name]Jackson[/name]
[name]Nora[/name] [name]Lark[/name] Maryweld [name]Jackson[/name]
Best to you all. Thank you for thinking of me, as I see previous posts about where I’ve gone. It means a lot. My life has been put in perspective over the last month, and I am grateful for your caring and understanding, and, above all, help about this decision… honestly, in terms of what I have been facing, it seems like no big deal what she is called. She is here, alive and healthy, and that’s all that really matters to me.