An Australian Inez

Could [name]Inez[/name] work on an Australian girl with no Hispanic heritage at all? Or would it look odd?

Of course it’ll work!

If you do a quick search, you’ll see several [name]Inez/name on Linked In…from Australia.

It’s a beautiful name-- go for it!

I really like it and I am in Australia (American born and raised though).

All the Australians I’ve heard say it, say EYE-nez, and not ee-NES or ee-NEZ, which is what I was thinking of. So I guess it depends how much EYE-nez would bother you.

I’ve never met an [name]Inez[/name] that wasn’t Hispanic but I don’t see why not, fwiw all the ones I know prn it “eye nez”. [name]Ines[/name] is also a nice version.

It seems really good especially to me, I really liked this name. In fact this name can be very interesting to you and your girl. I think you should be go for it without any discussion.

I have a friend names [name]Inez[/name], she’s a Finnish blonde (platinum blonde, pale skin and ice blue eyes) and suits her name perfectly.