Anabel and possible bad inititals

[name]Love[/name] [name]Annabel[/name] [name]Sophia[/name], but then there’s the obvious issue of “What if she marries Mr. S.?” Would you go for it despite the possibility of bad initials, or would you scrap the MN and start over again? If you would scrap it…do you have any other MN suggestions? I can’t find anything that fits with [name]Annabel[/name] (besides [name]Sophia[/name]) that doesn’t sound like I’m saying a weird sentence or something. For example: I thought about pairing it with [name]June[/name], but [name]Annabel[/name] [name]June[/name] sounds like “And a Belgian” - and, well, what if her last name ends up being Waffle! Haha :slight_smile: The things that go through my head…

I love [name]Annabel[/name], obviously as I’m the mother of one. :slight_smile: Her full name is [name]Annabel[/name] [name]Hope[/name]. Honestly, I would go with [name]Annabel[/name] [name]Sophia[/name] if that is what you love. There is no way in telling what the last name of the man she marries will be, or if your daughter will even want to change her last name.

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Annabel[/name]! On my list, I have [name]Annabel[/name] [name]Violet[/name] & [name]Annabel[/name] [name]Grace[/name].

I love [name]Annabel[/name] [name]Sophia[/name]! Really, you can’t tell if she’ll marry someone with an S last name. What if you give her a different middle name and then the guy she marries ends up making her initials bad anyway.

Use the name you love, it’s beautiful. You’re thinking to hard about too far in the future. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I wouldn’t worry about it, really. By the time she gets married, she’ll be mature enough to see it as a silly fluke rather than be terribly embarrassed anyway. I had a friend w/ the initials A.S.S. who was about 20, and she just sort of laughed it off. Plus like PP said, that’s “worst case scenario”, and in that case, she’s still marrying the man of her dreams, so it’s not that bad :wink:

I don’t think it matters… You shouldn’t worry about the last name of a man she may or may not marry… LOL. But I do like the spelling [name]Annabelle[/name] better… Good [name]Luck[/name] :slight_smile:

I think you are just over thinking things. My name is [name]Parker[/name] [name]Isabelle[/name] so my first two initials are PI, which left a lot open for some not so nice initials but I never cared. I just loved my name! After I got married last year my initials became PIE so everyone really seems to get a kick of that :smiley: I don’t think Waffle is a very common last name and is pretty easy to make fun of without the name [name]Annabelle[/name] [name]June[/name] in front of it. [name]Hope[/name] that helps a little :smiley:

[name]Annabel[/name] sophia is gorgeous my brother and sisters initials spell As and Is and my sisters full initials are ALS so it doesn’t matter otherwise [name]Annabel[/name] [name]Rose[/name], [name]Annabel[/name] [name]Kate[/name]/[name]Cate[/name] or [name]Annabel[/name] [name]Joyce[/name] are nice