Angel baby names-unisex triplets

I’m 30 weeks with our survivor, we originally had triplets and lost two very early on. We don’t know the genders, but I feel like naming them will help give me some closure and make them easier to talk about and remember in the long term. We haven’t even been able to decide on a name for our survivor (who’s gender will be a surprise) but now I’m thinking about naming the two we lost more and more. I would love to come up with something with some meaning because my husbands not totally sure if he wants to name them yet. It feels weird to just pick a name we like the sound of. Id love to find a name that represents giving life, protecting or guardian angel and then maybe something related for our survivor. I really feel as though we lost our two in order to protect me and our survivor, as it’s been a rough pregnancy and my first birth was rough as well. The only thing that’s helped me cope is the idea that these two little babies were lost to save us as I do not think my body would have been capable of handling triplets to term. [name_f]My[/name_f] husband is Catholic so I’m sure something biblical would mean a lot to him as well. Any ideas appreciated!

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I am sorry for your loss.

For your survivor, [name_u]Phoenix[/name_u] would work for a boy or a girl.

For your two little angels, maybe [name_u]Ata[/name_u] & [name_u]Theo[/name_u]?

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I am so sorry for your two missing babies. Congratulations on your survivor. What a special baby.

I found Malulani, a Hawaiian unisex name meaning heavenly protection. The meaning is perfect, but I’m not sure if it feels usable for you.

ETA: I also found Ishmerai. A beautiful, Biblical name that means “he protects”. Obviously it is thus considered a masculine name, but honestly I think it could work as unisex.

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Our two angel babies are named [name_u]Jude[/name_u] (meaning Praised) and [name_f]Juno[/name_f] (meaning [name_f]Queen[/name_f] of the Heavens or Youth). I wanted their names to represent what their personalities felt like, and then I just picked the most gender neutral names related to those meanings.

We thought about naming one of them [name_m]Azriel[/name_m] (God is my help).

Also I am so sorry for your loss.