Anglicized Native American names

So I’ve been watching a lot of old westerns lately (all the good ones: [name_u]Bonanza[/name_u], Gunsmoke, and every [name_m]John[/name_m] [name_m]Wayne[/name_m], haha) and all the Indians have the same names. Running [name_m]Bear[/name_m], [name_m]Wild[/name_m] [name_u]Eagle[/name_u]; you know the type. Well, the name-lover in me started getting kind of bored, and I made up some of my own “Anglicized [name_f]Indian[/name_f] names” as I suppose you could call them : ) Anyway, however hard I try, mine end up being less creative than I anticipated. They have the same basis of a particular feature, i.e. [name_m]Wild[/name_m], Brave, etc. and a nature name like [name_u]Cloud[/name_u] or Wind, but they still don’t end up well. So, with all the creative name geniuses on this site, I was wondering if you’ll help me invent really unique [name_f]Indian[/name_f] names before I go crazy wracking my brain : ) Thanks all!