Anglicizing Aibhlinn

According to, this name is pronounced “ave-leen”, yet the anglicized versions listed are [name_f]Eveleen[/name_f], [name_f]Eveline[/name_f], and [name_u]Evelyn[/name_u]. Does anyone know if [name_f]Aveline[/name_f] is ever used as the English spelling of this name? It seem much closer to me than [name_u]Evelyn[/name_u].

If you like the pronunciation of [name_f]Aveline[/name_f], it’s a great name, but is not from Aibhlinn. However, sometimes Anglicized versions don’t match up perfectly. Like Seisyllt out of [name_m]Cecil[/name_m], if I remember correctly.

I like [name_f]Aveline[/name_f]! Very pretty. You’ll get more correct pronunciations this way.

According to Nameberry, [name_u]Evelyn[/name_u] is the English version of the [name_m]French[/name_m] [name_f]Aveline[/name_f], so they’re all interconnected.

This was my understanding, too.

Another question: Would the pronunciation be more apparent if it were spelled Aveleen (since the -line ending is sometimes pronounced “line”, “lyn”, or “leen”)? I was thinking it might appear more Irish that way as well, since everyone is familiar with the -een ending on Irish names like [name_f]Maureen[/name_f], [name_f]Kathleen[/name_f], [name_f]Colleen[/name_f], [name_f]Eileen[/name_f]. I’m just worried it seems made up.

No, a think Aveleen looks more made up. I think [name_f]Aveline[/name_f] is a beautiful name, as well as a legitimate one, and any pronunciation errors can be corrected. :slight_smile: