
My husband and I are thinking ahead to names for a 2nd child (I’m not pregnant yet). Our daughter, [name]Margaret[/name] ([name]Maggie[/name], usually) was almost [name]Anne[/name] or [name]Annie[/name] and that is still a name we would love to use for a daughter.

Here’s the problem: [name]Annie[/name] is the name we really want, but I’m not a fan of informal names on a birth certificate. [name]Add[/name] to that disinclination the fact that [name]Maggie[/name] has a formal name and that sisters [name]Margaret[/name] and [name]Annie[/name] sound - I don’t know, off-balance.

So, [name]Anne[/name] is the other option with [name]Annie[/name] reserved for the nn. Problem here is that our last name is a 2-syllable name that starts with “A,” meaning that “[name]Anne[/name] A____” sounds a bit choppy or a bit like [name]Anna[/name]…

So, what to do? [name]Annie[/name] or [name]Anne[/name]?

I agree with you that [name]Margaret[/name] and [name]Anne[/name] works better, so thats what I would choose.
And I love the name [name]Anne[/name]…

And it can be charming with names that starts with the same initials…

I’ve had this same conflict. I love [name]Annie[/name] as well, but I’ve never been crazy about any of the “formal” names to get to [name]Annie[/name]. What finally made me replace [name]Annie[/name] with [name]Anne[/name] was, essentially, how out of place [name]Annie[/name] looked as a full name on my list. To be fair, [name]Annie[/name] has been used on its own for at least 150 years. We’re talking about a name that was top 10 around the turn of the century and didn’t leave the top 100 until 1947. The lowest [name]Annie[/name] has ever been on the SSA charts is #441. It’s not exactly unusual as a given name.

[name]How[/name] does [name]Annie[/name] sound with your last name? [name]Even[/name] if you do put [name]Anne[/name] on the birth certificate, if you’re calling her [name]Annie[/name] A___ the problem won’t be as noticeable.

I adore [name]Annie[/name], though I prefer [name]Anna[/name] as the full name. I think [name]Margaret[/name] and [name]Anne[/name] work better together though, and [name]Maggie[/name] and [name]Annie[/name] make amazing sisters. I don’t think [name]Anne[/name] A___ is a problem, especially if you’re going to call her [name]Annie[/name]. I would put [name]Anne[/name] on the BC though, how often will she be called by her full name anyway and if someone mishears it as [name]Anna[/name], it’s not too difficult to correct them to [name]Anne[/name] or [name]Annie[/name].

What about [name]Anneliese[/name]? That was on our list before we found out we are having a boy and we intended to call her [name]Annie[/name], but wanted a formal name that was a little more interesting than “[name]Anne[/name]”. [name]Anne[/name] [name]Frank[/name] was actually [name]Anneliese[/name].
For full names, I think [name]Margaret[/name] and [name]Anneliese[/name] sound lovely together and [name]Maggie[/name] and [name]Annie[/name] is so cute.

What about a longer form of [name]Anne[/name]…

[name]Annika[/name] (not really sure it goes with [name]Margaret[/name], but this is my favorite form of [name]Ann[/name])

This might help: 101 Best International Variations of Ann | Nameberry

I also love the name [name]Annie[/name], but find it a little too nickname-y as a full name even though it has been able to stand alone forever. Some suggestions besides [name]Anne[/name]:
[name]Annemarie[/name] *This is the one I personally would use myself, as it honors my mom [name]Anna[/name] [name]Maria[/name] (:

[name]Love[/name] [name]Annie[/name]! I think [name]Margaret[/name] and [name]Anne[/name], nns [name]Maggie[/name] and [name]Annie[/name], are perfect together. I would go with that. Good luck!

I think [name]Anne[/name] should be the legal name. [name]Annie[/name] and [name]Maggie[/name] are gorgeous together.

What about a longer [name]Anne[/name] name to go with [name]Margaret[/name]?


Edited for privacy.