
See the results of this poll: What middle name sounds best with Annika?

Respondents: 78 (This poll is closed)

  • Annika Temperence : 7 (9%)
  • Annika Harriet : 9 (12%)
  • Annika Hazel : 38 (49%)
  • Annika Jonquil (this will be her birth flower) : 14 (18%)
  • Annika Nell: 10 (13%)

I voted for [name]Annika[/name] [name]Hazel[/name]- it is very pretty! And [name]Annika[/name] [name]Hazel[/name] and [name]Benton[/name] [name]Grover[/name] sound like a really good sibset! Good luck! :slight_smile:

I voted [name]Annika[/name] [name]Jonquil[/name]!!!

If you say ALL the names really fast… [name]Annika[/name] [name]Jonquil[/name] separates the best. That is, I can actually still hear [name]Annika[/name] [name]Jonquil[/name].

But if I say, [name]Annika[/name] [name]Harriet[/name] or [name]Annika[/name] [name]Hazel[/name]… it becomes [name]Annik[/name]-KUH-Hair-iet… or [name]Annik[/name]-KUH-hay-zel. Or am I the only one getting that?

I love [name]Annika[/name] [name]Hazel[/name].

I voted [name]Annika[/name] [name]Nell[/name]. I love [name]Annika[/name] [name]Jonquil[/name] as well.

I guessed [name]Annika[/name] [name]Hazel[/name] would get a lot of love, since [name]Hazel[/name] is huge on Nameberry. Personally, I think it’s overrated and doesn’t fit well with [name]Annika[/name] at all. [name]Annika[/name] seems sweet but crisp and faintly Scandinavian, whereas [name]Hazel[/name] is fusty-old-English-lady all the way. But that’s just me.

I really love [name]Annika[/name] [name]Jonquil[/name]. I just have to convince my DH. He’s not a fan of [name]Jonquil[/name] as a name at all. I was so excited when I figured out it would be her birth flower. It’s my mom and grandma’s favorite flower and they line the road that I grew up on. I just think it would be so cool to use it as her MN. DH is stuck on [name]Annika[/name] Temperence though. Actually, he prefers Temperence as the FN.
[name]Annika[/name] [name]Hazel[/name] I really like as well, but I’ve also thought that the two names kind of run together. The “fusty old ladyness” of [name]Hazel[/name] doesn’t bother me. I think it matches up with [name]Grover[/name] pretty well. Thank you for all the comments!

I voted [name]Annika[/name] [name]Hazel[/name]. [name]Annika[/name] is one of my favorite names, it’s so beautiful.

I love [name]Grover[/name]! [name]Annika[/name] needs a middle name to match [name]Grover[/name]'s funky-clunky-spunky vibe. [name]Harriet[/name] or [name]Temperance[/name] fits the bill. I don’t get that vibe from [name]Hazel[/name], [name]Nell[/name], or [name]Jonquil[/name].

I’m torn between [name]Annika[/name] [name]Harriet[/name] and [name]Annika[/name] [name]Temperance[/name]. Since [name]Temperance[/name] feels more 1780s than 1880s, I’ll vote for [name]Annika[/name] [name]Harriet[/name]. [name]Benton[/name] [name]Grover[/name] and [name]Annika[/name] [name]Harriet[/name] are excellent together if you ask me.

@southern.maple [name]Annika[/name] [name]Harriet[/name] was the first combo I came up with and my DH and I both like it. It’s especially cool and special to us because his grandma’s name is [name]Harriet[/name] [name]Ann[/name]. I really wanted to name this baby [name]Harriet[/name] if it’s a girl, but we can’t because in combination with our last name she’d be likely to be ridiculed. I don’t think it will matter so much in the MN spot though. Thanks for your input!

Honestly, I am not loving any of these combinations. The flow is off with all of them except for [name]Nell[/name] (which I don’t like). I do like [name]Annika[/name] [name]Harriet[/name], but feel it doesn’t flow really well. [name]Love[/name] the family connection though. [name]How[/name] about:

[name]Annika[/name] [name]Jane[/name]
[name]Annika[/name] [name]Claire[/name]
[name]Annika[/name] [name]Wren[/name]
[name]Annika[/name] [name]Blythe[/name]

I think a shorter middle name would be better with such a long first name. I would love to see [name]Anne[/name] [name]Harriet[/name]!

[name]Annika[/name] [name]Hazel[/name] is beautiful and fits perfectly with [name]Benton[/name] [name]Grover[/name].

I voted for [name]Annika[/name] [name]Hazel[/name] because it’s the only one that flows well in my opinion. [name]Annika[/name] [name]Nell[/name] also flows nicely, but I’m not really a fan of [name]Nell[/name] as a full name. And for the record, [name]Hazel[/name] is not my style at all, but I do like the sound of the name [name]Annika[/name] [name]Hazel[/name]. Beautiful. I’m sorry to say that [name]Annika[/name] [name]Jonquil[/name] is too jarring in my opinion. Maybe all the hard consonants?

I named my daughter [name_f]Annika[/name_f] [name_f]Elisabeth[/name_f] [name_f]Tatiana[/name_f] (she was adopted, so I kept her birth name as one of her middle names). She is now 16 and we have had nothing but compliments on her name. Anytime I tell people what her name is, they always say “what a beautiful name”! The only issue that we have run into, which really surprised me, was that people have difficulty pronouncing it when they see it written down. On the [name_f]East[/name_f] Coast, they always say a-KNEE-ka and on the [name_u]West[/name_u] Coast they pronounce it [name_f]ANN[/name_f]-ni-ka. It is an easy thing to live with though, to have such a beautiful name!

I love [name_f]Annika[/name_f] [name_f]Jonquil[/name_f] and the meaning that goes with the name, much better than Aquamarine the month’s birthstone, lol. I was a [name_u]March[/name_u] baby myself. Best wishes to you.

I like [name_f]Hazel[/name_f] or [name_f]Harriet[/name_f]. [name_f]Hazel[/name_f] is all nature-y and earthy, and [name_f]Harriet[/name_f] is kinda funky and unusual these days, so go with what image you like.

I’m not crazy about any of them. [name_f]Annika[/name_f] is one of my finalists; I will share some MN I like: