Another Baby Girl

We were so excited to have our first child and it ended up being a girl which is exactly what I was hoping for! (I could only find girls names that I liked) Finally after a lot of deliberating between my husband and I we decided on the perfect name. [name]Calliope[/name] [name]Jade[/name] [name]Silk[/name]. Something smooth and beautiful but also strong and unique.

Well now we are having baby number two and it is also a girl. I’m very excited but also stuck because it took us from the time we found out what our first baby’s gender was until delivery to come up with the perfect name. Now I have to think of another perfect girl’s name and I’ve already searched and everything is second choice to me. I hope that doesn’t sound too horrible for me to say.

But there is hope! I named [name]Calliope[/name] after the Greek muse of epic poetry (because I love history and mythology). But while I was pregnant with her it was a toss up between [name]Calliope[/name] and [name]Thalia[/name], [name]Thalia[/name] being another of the nine muses. I think [name]Thalia[/name] would be a wonderful name for our second daughter because it is both pretty and it goes with the mythology I love along with the fact that [name]Calliope[/name] and [name]Thalia[/name] were sister muses, both the daughters of [name]Zeus[/name] and Mnemosyne.

I would like to name her [name]Thalia[/name] but my husband said to “put it on our maybe list” but I don’t want to! Maybe if I can get a bunch of people to agree with me then he’ll agree.

Also could you help me with a middle name for [name]Thalia[/name]? I would like it to be no more than two syllables and something not too common but not so unique that it would challenge her name. Please please please help me!

All I can think of is [name]Thalia[/name] [name]Rose[/name] but I’m iffy on that.

Oh and the other name I liked is [name]Seraphina[/name] which is the female cognate form of [name]Seraph[/name], which is a kind of angel. But my husband ruled that out quicker than you could blink. :frowning:

[name]Thalia[/name] is pretty. [name]Thalia[/name] [name]Rose[/name] is very nice.

Are you open to other mythological names or does it have to be one of the Muses? There are some very pretty ones that you both might agree on.

If Husband really hates a name, don’t try to convince him otherwise. That’s not fair. What if the situation were reversed, and he loved… [name]Gertrude[/name], and you hated it? [name]How[/name] would you feel if he guilted/pressured you into using it when deep down you didn’t want to? Play fair and you two will find a great compromise.

[name]Thalia[/name] is lovely and goes well with [name]Calliope[/name] (which I love, too). The Greek connection between the names is really great as well.

[name]Thalia[/name] [name]Rose[/name] is pretty, I like it. As for suggestions, how about:
[name]Thalia[/name] [name]Eve[/name]
[name]Thalia[/name] [name]Xanthe[/name]
[name]Thalia[/name] [name]Grace[/name]
[name]Thalia[/name] [name]June[/name]
[name]Thalia[/name] [name]Luna[/name]
[name]Thalia[/name] [name]Lily[/name]
[name]Thalia[/name] [name]Autumn[/name]
[name]Thalia[/name] [name]Clio[/name]
[name]Thalia[/name] [name]Ivy[/name]
[name]Thalia[/name] [name]Jane[/name]
[name]Thalia[/name] [name]Sage[/name]
[name]Thalia[/name] [name]Elise[/name]
[name]Thalia[/name] [name]Pearl[/name]
[name]Thalia[/name] [name]Mae[/name]

Lucystone, my husband doesn’t hate it he just wants to look further because we just found out about a week ago. I wouldn’t prefer the name [name]Gertrude[/name] but I really like [name]Gertie[/name] for a nick name so it would work out lol.

and Yes I am open to any mythology, or medieval, or any name really. If anyone can help me think of another beautiful first name instead of [name]Thalia[/name] that would also be appreciated. Then I can show a long list to my hubby

Ead485, I really like [name]Thalia[/name] [name]Elise[/name]

[name]Ah[/name], sorry about the misinterpretation.

You guys have got lots of time. I’m sure you’ll both come across a bunch of names you like in that time.

I love your first daughter’s name and the connection between [name]Thalia[/name] and [name]Calliope[/name]. Your husband has to love the name as much as you though.

Middle names for [name]Thalia[/name]:

[name]Thalia[/name] [name]Jasmine[/name]

Is [name]Silk[/name] your last name?

Yes sflagrl, [name]Silk[/name] if our last name. :slight_smile:

What about…

[name]Iris[/name] - [name]Goddess[/name] of Rainbows
[name]Flora[/name] - [name]Goddess[/name] of fruit and flowers
[name]Aurora[/name] - [name]Goddess[/name] of the dawn
[name]Antheia[/name] - [name]Goddess[/name] of flowers
[name]Phoebe[/name] - [name]Goddess[/name] of brightness
[name]Selene[/name] - [name]Goddess[/name] of night
[name]Maia[/name] - [name]Spring[/name] [name]Goddess[/name] and one of [name]Atlas[/name]’ daughters
[name]Rhea[/name] - [name]Goddess[/name] of the earth

I really like the connection between [name]Thalia[/name] and [name]Calliope[/name] the names are very different but still go together with a theme if you are familiar with GT but if you aren’t then you still have cool unique names. (but I guess I’m not helping really…)


[name]Clemence[/name] - means [name]Mercy[/name] and is a mixture of names and a variant of [name]Clemencia[/name]


I think [name]Thalia[/name] is great with your daughter’s name.

I like the connection between [name]Calliope[/name] and [name]Thalia[/name]:slight_smile:

[name]How[/name] about [name]Althea[/name], [name]Antigone[/name], [name]Cassiopeia[/name], [name]Theia[/name], [name]Delia[/name], [name]Apolline[/name], [name]Minerva[/name], [name]Flora[/name], [name]Juno[/name], [name]Isolde[/name], [name]Fiorella[/name], Proserpina, or [name]Silvia[/name]:slight_smile: