Another boy

[name]Hi[/name], Berries!

So I just wanted to let you know that I am in fact expecting another boy! :smiley: He will be a brother to [name]Lorcan[/name] [name]Caleb[/name].

As I’ve said before, we had decided his name would be [name]Findlay[/name]. This is still fine, but…we’re not in love with it, the way we are with [name]Lorcan[/name] and [name]Greer[/name] (our choice had this baby been a girl). [name]Don[/name]'t get me wrong, [name]Findlay[/name] is a great name, and if we really don’t fall in love with anything else, [name]Findlay[/name] will be it. However, it just still seems slightly ‘wrong’ for us, and it’s hard to pinpoint why - maybe it feels a little flimsy and trendy compared to our other choices. So, I just wanted to throw this out there one last time, just in case we find ‘The One’! Here is a list of names we either really like, but aren’t quite perfect, or that we want to capture the feel of:

[name]Alec[/name] (seems incomplete)
[name]Hank[/name] (too familiar compared to our other choices)
[name]Henry[/name] (too popular compared to our other choices)
[name]Toby[/name] (too popular compared to our other choices)
[name]Oscar[/name] (don’t want to use another name ending in an ‘r’ or an ‘n’)
[name]Cedric[/name] (right feel, but wrong sound, somehow)
[name]Everett[/name] (right level of popularity, feels clumsy to say)
[name]Phineas[/name] (diastrous with our surname)

We’d ideally like to avoid another surname name (like [name]Greer[/name]), would like it to be unusual but solid, not beginning with an L or G, or ending with an N or R, and are very open to non-Celtic names now as we are feeling maybe such an obvious theme isn’t great.

As I say, it doesn’t matter if we’ve exhausted everything - we’ll just use [name]Findlay[/name]. I just wanted to make sure. [name]Even[/name] if nothing works with [name]Lorcan[/name], I still think it was worth choosing, as we love it so much. [name]Just[/name] wish I could feel as pleased with my second son’s name! Thanks for everyone’s help with this.

[name]Love[/name] Kath :slight_smile:

You did say not ending with an N, but I love [name]Ronan[/name] and [name]Lorcan[/name] together. [name]Seamus[/name] came to mind as well.

I like [name]Seamus[/name] for you, too

Here are some names I think fit well with [name]Lorcan[/name] and [name]Greer[/name]:

They aren’t my style so let me know if there are any you like. If they are all wrong I’ll have another go for you!


[name]Cormac[/name] would make a nice sibling for [name]Lorcan[/name].
[name]Oliver[/name]- I really think you can go with another name ending in r, especially because [name]Greer[/name] it only only syllable and doesnt have the familiar -er ending.
[name]Declan[/name]- Again, I dont think you should count out all names ending in n.

[name]Hi[/name], [name]Elinor[/name]!

We are actually quite keen on the idea of a name ending in y, as you have suggested a few times above, but haven’t found the right one yet. [name]Do[/name] any others come to mind? Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

Kath xxx


Some Irish/Gaelic names that end in “Y”…unfortunately most of them are surnames that you want to avoid.
[name]Flannery[/name] (usually for a girl but I think it could be unisex)

Other names that may work well with [name]Lorcan[/name] [name]Caleb[/name]…

[name]Alistair[/name] (I know it ends in an “R” but I think it’s a great pairing with [name]Lorcan[/name]. Scottish for [name]Alexander[/name])
[name]Simon[/name] (ends in “on” not “an”)
[name]Hugh[/name] (instead of [name]Hank[/name] or [name]Henry[/name])

Wondering if something like [name]Henry[/name] or [name]Archie[/name] might work? Something cute and complimentary. Or do I have to be completely committed to all celtic names now? I like [name]Henry[/name] a lot, buy would it stand out terribly?

[name]Lorcan[/name] and [name]Henry[/name] and [name]Greer[/name]

[name]Lorcan[/name] and [name]Archie[/name] and [name]Greer[/name]

Would any others be better? Classic but slightly quirky…

Kath xxx

I don’t think either [name]Henry[/name] or [name]Archie[/name] stand out from [name]Lorcan[/name] and [name]Greer[/name]. Either would work - I really like [name]Archie[/name] as a brother to [name]Lorcan[/name]. I also liked pp’s suggestion of [name]Wesley[/name].

[name]Lorcan[/name], [name]Archie[/name] and [name]Greer[/name]
[name]Lorcan[/name], [name]Wesley[/name] and [name]Greer[/name]

I think either [name]Henry[/name] or [name]Archie[/name] would work well with [name]Greer[/name] and [name]Lorcan[/name]. [name]Archer[/name] “[name]Archie[/name]” would e even better.

I had to comment on [name]Alec[/name] - I love this name (especially because it’s in my family tree). I don’t think it’s incomplete, but that’s just me. My other thoughts were [name]Alistair[/name] (but it ends in r), and [name]Angus[/name]. I also loved the suggestion of [name]Archie[/name]. (What can I say? I love A names!)

When I hear [name]Lorcan[/name], it reminds me of [name]Gabriel[/name] [name]Garcia[/name] [name]Lorca[/name], the writer. For [name]Lorcan[/name]'s sib, what about a writer or artist’s name? Consider:

[name]Ranier[/name] ([name]Ranier[/name] [name]Maria[/name] Rilke)
[name]Jasper[/name] ([name]Jasper[/name] Johns)
[name]Blake[/name] ([name]William[/name] [name]Blake[/name])
[name]Calder[/name] ([name]Alexander[/name] [name]Calder[/name])
[name]Arlo[/name] ([name]Arlo[/name] [name]Guthrie[/name])

[name]Hi[/name] Kath,

I like [name]Henry[/name] with [name]Lorcan[/name] and [name]Greer[/name] but [name]Archie[/name] is a bit nicknamey in comparison.

Here’s some more y ending names as you requested:
[name]Lorcan[/name], [name]Greer[/name] and:

I really like [name]Jory[/name] with [name]Lorcan[/name] and [name]Greer[/name]… Anyway, hope you like some!


I really like the sound of [name]Lorcan[/name], [name]Henry[/name] and [name]Greer[/name], but I am concerned that after giving my first son such an unusual name, people will find it strange that my second son would have such a comparatively popular and familiar name - i.e. I’m worried that they will seem not to ‘go together’! Is there a slightly quirkier, alternate version of [name]Henry[/name], or something similar but less popular that would suit? Maybe a quirky take on a classic? xx

I love [name]Henry[/name] with [name]Lorcan[/name] and [name]Greer[/name]!

Or how about [name]Harrison[/name] or [name]Henderson[/name]?

[name]Do[/name] you like Henrick? That’s a variation of [name]Henry[/name].

Others I think would go great with [name]Lorcan[/name] and [name]Greer[/name]:


I especially like [name]Alaric[/name] and Emeric with [name]Lorcan[/name] and [name]Greer[/name].

[name]Fergus[/name] [name]Findlay[/name]?

I like [name]Lorcan[/name] and [name]Hugo[/name] together. Not sure if that would work with [name]Greer[/name], though…

[name]Lorcan[/name] & [name]Fletcher[/name]
[name]Lorcan[/name] & [name]Thatcher[/name]
[name]Lorcan[/name] & [name]Hurley[/name]
[name]Lorcan[/name] & [name]Reid[/name]
[name]Lorcan[/name] & [name]Patrick[/name]
[name]Lorcan[/name] & [name]Maximus[/name]
[name]Lorcan[/name] & [name]Theron[/name]
[name]Lorcan[/name] & [name]Heath[/name]

Sorry - this list is totally random!