y’all can count on the fact that any time i have a flare, i will be blowing up the create-a-family tab. these are some names that i’m just adoring lately. as always, feel free to add children, surnames, pets, or whatever you like. i hope you enjoy these as much as i enjoy making them
dh: clyde, warren, amos, franklin, hal
dw: iva, luetta, enid, marylou, thelma
ds: cyrus, thorson, enoch, vernon, mack
dd: ruth, odetta, mercy, beatrice, lelia
dd: pearl, harriet, twila, imogene, greta
ds: oren, ulysses, ira, thatcher, abel
ds: frank, harvey, otis, winston, vance
dd: letta, florence, ethel, adelaide, june
ds: amias, sampson, rafe, wallace, noam
: winifred, alta, cornelia, edith, mildred