See the results of this poll: Isaac Boone or Boone Elliot
Respondents: 43 (This poll is closed)
- Isaac Boone : 25 (58%)
- Boone Elliot : 15 (35%)
- Another suggestion/Neither…: 3 (7%)
Respondents: 43 (This poll is closed)
I hear tons of Isaacs ( I do like it ), but [name]Boone[/name] is really great. [name]Isaac[/name] [name]Boone[/name] flows really well, though.
I prefer [name]Boone[/name] [name]Elliot[/name]. [name]Boone[/name] doesn’t seem to get a ton of votes here, but I really love it. I like [name]Boone[/name] [name]Isaac[/name] over them both, though! I think [name]Eden[/name] and [name]Boone[/name] are adorable together.
Not a fan of alliteration in a name, mostly, but I also know too many dogs named “[name]Boone[/name]”. (Though I do think it’s cute in the middle.)
I like [name]Isaac[/name] a lot. It has been on our list.
Not sure I like [name]Boone[/name] as a first name.
I voted for [name]Isaac[/name] [name]Boone[/name]. I actually really loved [name]Boone[/name] as a first name but I do not love [name]Boone[/name] with BD as much. It could work for you, don’t get me wrong, but it might also be a mouthful.
I would prefer [name]Isaac[/name] [name]Elliot[/name] or [name]Elliot[/name] [name]Isaac[/name].
Thanks all. I know there is alliteration with [name]Boone[/name] “BD” but it didn’t seem like it was too much since the names are on the shorter side, but I can’t tell for sure.
I think [name]Boone[/name] and [name]Elliot[/name] go well together, but I think [name]Elliot[/name] [name]Boone[/name] sounds much nicer.
anyone else want to chime in before the poll is up? Any thoughts on “[name]Boone[/name] D@vidson Be@tty” instead of [name]Elliot[/name]?
[name]Boone[/name] [name]Elliott[/name] is my favorite combo but personally I think [name]Elliott[/name] [name]Boone[/name] flows a little better.
[name]Eli[/name] [name]Boone[/name] sounds very nice. c:
Thanks okbrielle. I do like [name]Eli[/name] [name]Boone[/name] but have a daughter [name]Edie[/name] so I don’t want to use [name]Eli[/name]. I agree that [name]Elliot[/name] [name]Boone[/name] is a nice combination but I am hoping to avoid another E name as a first if possible though I struggle because [name]Elliot[/name] is a great name! I am getting nervous about whether or not DH and I will be able to make up our minds in a few weeks!