So I am making the main character for a friend’s story. I don’t have a name for her yet despite the countless generators I have tried so help would be appreciated.
The character is a girl around 16-20, she has pale skin and long black hair that goes to her waist in waves. Her right eye is black, and the other eye is red with a slit pupil. She is a mix of a wolf and a human as she looks human but has wolf ears and tail.
She is also a ghost even though she doesn’t look like it, her family were shot when she was 9 and the killers set fire to their house and when seeing her threw her into the worst of the fire. [name_m]How[/name_m] she became a ghost or why she does not look like one is unknown.
She is generally nice and jokes around a lot but tends to dwell on the past and thinks everything is her fault. She is very loyal and would give her life up for her friends. She is very sensitive and would probably believe someone if they told her she was a ‘monster.’ Sometimes if she gets really annoyed she might go as far as to kill someone but she would regret it later.
I know that this is very complicated and I apologize. I don’t mind what sort of name it is, I was sort of thinking something along the lines of ‘[name_f]Misty[/name_f]’ but I would appreciate other ideas too!