Any info on Sadwyn?

The only source I have for the name Sadwyn is Sadwyn Brophy, son of [name]New[/name] Zealand actor [name]Jed[/name] Brophy. [name]Jed[/name] has had parts in several [name]Peter[/name] [name]Jackson[/name] films, including LOTR and the recent “Hobbit” part one, and Sadwyn played Eldarion, the son of Aragorn and [name]Arwen[/name], who is briefly seen by [name]Arwen[/name] in a vision in “The Return of the [name]King[/name].” (LOTR part three.)

I was intrigued by the name Sadwyn when I first saw it in the movie credits, and I’m wondering where it came from. The only thing I’ve found is an exchange on, where a user who also saw Sadwyn Brophy’s name asked about it. It was suggested that it might be an invented name using Welsh elements, possibly related to words meaning “[name]Saturn[/name]” or “[name]Saturday[/name].”

Any thoughts? Has anyone heard this name on anyone else?

I’ve never heard of it but some googling found me this:

[name]Hope[/name] that helps.

Lol-this name made me laugh when I thought of the Gladwins I’ve known. I hope Sadwyn doesn’t have a brother named Gladwin. Rather glad than sad, you’d think.
It does look nice written down.

[name]Arwen[/name] is so much better. I can only imagine how much a boy will be teased.

Thanks, beabaker. This also points to a Welsh origin. The first Google page I pulled up was entirely composed of references to Sadwyn Brophy, and I’ve tried all my baby name books and three name websites, so clearly the name is very uncommon if not invented by the Brophys.

Gladwin and Sadwyn! :slight_smile: As far as I know, Sadwyn Brophy is an only child.

And yes, delawarebarbie, [name]Arwen[/name]'s better if it’s a girl. Again, Sadwyn’s not an LOTR name, it’s the actor’s name. For a guy, I prefer [name]Selwyn[/name]. I’m just very curious about the origins of this name.

I dont know where it comes from but I like the look of it! In the US using a y in girl names is all the rage, so I suspect he would get assumed to be a girl a lot. but its pretty sounding!