Approved by moderator?

Why do some of my posts go through automatically without any lag while others say something to the effect of “This post will show up as soon as it’s approved by a moderator” ??

Is it certain sections? Is it posts that are long or have links in them or something like that?
I can’t seem to figure out a pattern, but it’s super annoying?

Any way to avoid this?

Thanks a lot!

Hello? Anyone? Are there moderators here?
Anybody know the answer to the question?


It’s starting to bug the crap outta me.

When I spend 5 minutes on a post only to see it disappear into oblivion, it’s very frustrating!

I don’t know. That’s never happened to me. I don’t think many people frequent this forum.

For anyone in the future who has this problem, I thought I’d post a bit of help, since there are no active moderators on this forum.

I believe the issue was from copying and pasting links. It doesn’t like any links whatsoever pasted into the reply box.

[name]Even[/name] if you copy from the post directly above you into the reply, it will kick it back. You are apparently required to use their “Paste as plain text” and then their “[name]Link[/name]” options in order to include links.

You can link whatever you want, you just can’t paste it directly into the box, lol. 1 extra step seems to be all that is necessary to prevent spamming.

For anyone in power who reads this, I’d at least change your error message to explain the issue since your current message is a lie.

Yeah, the same thing happened to me a long time ago! I have no idea why, though…

This has happened to me a handful of times (not recently, thankfully), and each time it happened I had pasted a link into the message I was trying to send, so I think you theory is correct. I think I’ve had a few posts with pasted links go through, so I’m not sure why they were different. Maybe I’m just misremembering. You’re right, it’s frustrating, especially when it’s a post that you’ve spent a bit of time on.

This has happened to me once, I think, and a link was definitely involved. The vast majority of times links have been fine, so I’m not sure what the difference. The post did show up somewhat quickly.

I know, this “All About Nameberry” forum doesn’t seem as heavily used as it could be - however after a long lag I have noticed some new features with increased flexibility in the list features, for example, based on requests several of us left, so I don’t think it’s totally abandoned, just you know, I’m not sure this is a full-time operation : D. (Although I know there’s an “intern” periodically…).

Also I was just clicking around on some other threads in this forum and I guess trolling has been way up lately, so that could have something to do with the back and forth of it. I stand corrected, it does sound like a fair amount of time and energy is going into site maintenance, at least as the troll thread monitoring is concerned! Many thanks, [name]Pam[/name], [name]Linda[/name], and [name]Hugh[/name]!

And now to make my signature smaller, on another note from a forum here… : D.

Yes, there was a huge, bizarre explosion in trolling for a while (I’m almost afraid to talk about it lest I accidentally invite some of it back, since attention seems to be what they want), and I believe all of my incidents of getting the “approved by moderator” message happened around then. The moderators did a great job in a very strange and irritating situation! As frustrating as losing a post that you’ve poured effort into can be, the trolling situation was even worse.