April Fools' baby

This is not a joke! My beautiful baby boy (I’m so in love with him) was born on [name_f]April[/name_f] 1. We wanted to hold until midnight (so people would believe him when he said it was his birthday), but it seems like he couldn’t wait to come out, and so he did at 10:04 p.m… Now he’s 3 weeks old and in the pink of health.
About the name, I see a lot of people choosing family names and all that. However, we just decided on two names which we love. And I posted a thread a while ago asking for opinions, so thanks so much for helping us with this huge decision!
[name_m]Ross[/name_m] [name_m]Knight[/name_m]

Congratulations on your little Fools baby! So happy he’s doing well, and you chose a handsome name! [name_m]Knight[/name_m] is a particularly stunning and daring middle! All the best.

[name_m]Ross[/name_m] is fantastic!


Congrats and love his name. My cousin is an [name_f]April[/name_f] Fool’s baby and she’s never had an issue with it.

Congrats on your healthy little boy! So glad to see a baby called [name_m]Ross[/name_m]—the name is on my list, and it doesn’t get near enough love.