Arabic name poll

Please help me choose! Husband is american, I am middle eastern. We want an arabic name that is easily pronounceable for both languages. Due next week!
Middle and last name initials will be A.M.
Faris (initials FAM)
Laith (initials LAM) would lam as initials be bad or cute?

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Both are nice, but I really [name_m]Faris[/name_m], so that gets my vote!
And, for what it’s worth, I think LAM are totally fine initials, not bad at all.
Good luck choosing, and congratulations!

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faris is beautiful! my vote goes to that one :slight_smile:

btw, how are you pronouncing laith? i think that one could get misspronounced

but both are beautiful tbh!

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[name_m]Laith[/name_m] pronounced like [name_m]Layth[/name_m], just as its spelled

[name_m]Faris[/name_m] is a lovely name!! Both are though so you can’t go wrong with either

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Oh i really like both!! Faris might be slightly more straightforward to spell / pronounce? Having said that I don’t think Laith is too difficult either, sorry not to be of more help but you have 2 great options! Maybe just see what you think when he arrives :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh, I haven’t thought about the soft but masculine [name_m]Laith[/name_m] in a little while. It’s so lovely, though, so [name_m]Laith[/name_m] gets my vote! And I really like the initials LAM.

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[name_u]Love[/name_u] both! There’s a little boy named [name_m]Faris[/name_m] in my daughter’s class and I think it’s beautiful, so my vote goes to that. It has a great meaning too (as does [name_m]Laith[/name_m] :lion:) but [name_m]Faris[/name_m] just pips it for me.

Good luck!

I love [name_m]Faris[/name_m]! That gets my vote for sure!

I guess i didn’t realize how much I liked Laith till everyone was voting for Faris. Im honestly always feeling like is there a better name out there? Not sure if thats normal. Open to any other suggestions too please! Thank you all for the input!!


I love Faris! I know one Faris and he’s so great!! Great name!

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[name_m]Laith[/name_m] :blue_heart:


Oh my goodness these names are stunning ! [name_f]My[/name_f] vote is for [name_m]Faris[/name_m] . For a couple reasons. I love the initials FAM. But also there is an amazing park close to where I live so it has some sentiment close to my heart

I think [name_m]Laith[/name_m] might be harder to pronounce

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I replied to your more recent post. Both [name_m]Laith[/name_m] and [name_m]Faris[/name_m] sound nice to me. Maybe work on a shortlist of 3 or 4 options. There’s rarely a perfect name and I think it’s normal for preferences and style to change over time.


I meant to write this before… I think this is good actually and quite telling as it’s highlighted how much you like Laith. :blush: Maybe your heart is with Laith and it’s the one for you!?

I can relate to this and I’m sure many more can, it’s so hard to settle on one name but I hope you can find peace with your final decision. All the best to you and good luck.

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