So I had a little boy come into work the other day named [name]Archer[/name] mn the name of the town we live in. Now, we don’t live in [name]Brooklyn[/name] or [name]Aspen[/name] or anything namelike. To me this seemed like naming your kiddo [name]Archer[/name] Seattle - if you get what I’m saying . . . . The whole name was kind of wackadoodle and this makes me worry about the name [name]Archer[/name], which I really love but had never heard in real life. So I’m wondering - do you guys think [name]Archer[/name] is a weird name or destined to be trendy in the worst way??? Thanks for your opinions in advance!! (also, I know that some folks don’t like this name - along with [name]Hunter[/name], etc - because it makes them think of violence. This isn’t an issue for me )
Haha, I’m thinking of it with the name of some of the towns around where I’m from, and that just seems pretty ridiculous. I have mixed feelings on [name]Archer[/name]. It definitely does not make me think of violence, I actually don’t really think of archery as being all that violent. I love [name]Archer[/name] for the nickname [name]Archie[/name], and it does have a certain elegance to it. On the other hand, it does seem like it could be “trendy in the worst way”. I don’t think it is really all that trendy yet, but it certainly has the potential to be. It also reminds me of the professor [name]Paris[/name] dated on [name]Gilmore[/name] Girls (his name was [name]Asher[/name], but I have the same feelings on [name]Asher[/name] and [name]Archer[/name]), and he wasn’t a bad guy or anything, but, I don’t know, somehow makes me not like it. I’ve never met and [name]Archer[/name], I think my opinion would be swayed more strongly to one side or the other if I did.
Hmm - sounds like we’re on kind of the same track . . . . Bummer. Isn’t it weird how meeting someone with a name you like can kind of make you think twice? It stays on the list because I love it, but I guess I will pay more attention to who is using it. [name]Just[/name] sounded so weird!
I really love the name [name]Archer[/name], and it doesn’t make me think of violence. Makes me think of [name]Robin[/name] Hood. I guess [name]Robin[/name] was violent, but he had a good reason. I love [name]Archie[/name]! [name]Archibald[/name] is fun, too. [name]Archer[/name] and [name]Archibald[/name] sound great with my last name, but [name]Archie[/name] sounds awful. The problem with place names is you might end up moving near one of them, and then they sound ridiculous. [name]Archer[/name] Pasadena [name]Chesney[/name], ha, ha!
I adore [name]Archer[/name], but I’ve steered away from it for a boy because I’m afraid it will inevitably turn into [name]Archie[/name] (as in [name]Archie[/name] comics…ahh!). But [name]Archer[/name] alone is certainly a strong, non-violent boys name. [name]Hunter[/name] is also very becoming. I knew a set of nice twins names [name]Hunter[/name] and [name]Taylor[/name].
I have a feeling there aren’t a ton of guy’s on these posts, but from one guy’s point of view, I think [name]Archer[/name] is pretty cool. I just would stick with [name]Archer[/name] and avoid any cutsie nicknames. [name]Archer[/name] sounds like someone that would be good at baseball or lacrosse.