So, my sister is an architect, and she is considering honoring her field of work with her kids’ middle names. For first names, she really is in love with [name]Rhys[/name] and Wils ([name]Rhys[/name] is absolutely non-negotiable). I think a list of middle names appropriate for boys or girls would be great, just for ideas! Thanks!
I’ll get us started with ([name]Frank[/name] [name]Lloyd[/name]) [name]Wright[/name] and ([name]Frank[/name]) [name]Gehry[/name]…
[name]Ludwig[/name] [name]Mies[/name] (van der Rohe) and [name]Eero[/name] (Saarinen)
[name]Louis[/name] [name]Sullivan[/name]
[name]John[/name] Lautner
[name]Richard[/name] Neutra (my favorite), his son is named [name]Dion[/name].
[name]Robert[/name] Schindler
[name]Gregory[/name] Ain
[name]Howard[/name] [name]Roark[/name].
Alright, he’s a fictional architect ([name]Ayn[/name] [name]Rand[/name]'s Fountainhead)–but an exceptional one nevertheless. [name]Don[/name]'t know about [name]Rhys[/name] [name]Roark[/name] though
[name]Antoni[/name] Gaudi.
What a lovely idea! I love [name]Frank[/name] [name]Lloyd[/name] Wrights Guggenheim museum its the coolest building ever ha. Well I like the name [name]Rhys[/name] and together with Wils sounds very welsh to me! Most of the surnames of the architects could work for a girl also hope it helps:)
[name]Abbot[/name] Suger ([name]Rhys[/name] [name]Abbot[/name] would be adorable)
[name]Leonardo[/name] da [name]Vinci[/name]
[name]Leon[/name] [name]Battista[/name] Alberti
[name]Jacob[/name] van Thienen
[name]Andrea[/name] Palladio
[name]Raffaello[/name] [name]Santi[/name] ([name]Raphael[/name])
[name]Giorgio[/name] Vasari
[name]Francesco[/name] Borromini
[name]Inigo[/name] [name]Jones[/name] (would make a cool mn)*
[name]Louis[/name] [name]Le[/name] Vau
Baldassarre Longhena *
[name]Nicodemus[/name] Tessin
[name]Carlo[/name] Rainaldi
[name]John[/name] [name]Webb[/name]*
[name]Christopher[/name] [name]Wren[/name]* (would make a cool mn)
Egid [name]Quirin[/name] Asam
[name]Alexandre[/name]-Th”odore Brongniart
[name]William[/name] Buckland
Colen [name]Campbell[/name]
[name]Kilian[/name] Ignaz Dientzenhofer
[name]Nicholas[/name] Hawksmoor* (very recognisable for mn)
[name]Thomas[/name] [name]Jefferson[/name]*
[name]Thomas[/name] Sandby
[name]Henry[/name] [name]Austin[/name]*
[name]Edward[/name] Middleton [name]Barry[/name]
[name]Asher[/name] [name]Benjamin[/name]*
[name]Ignatius[/name] Bonomi
[name]Edward[/name] Blore
Gridley [name]James[/name] [name]Fox[/name] [name]Bryant[/name]*
[name]Decimus[/name] [name]Burton[/name]
[name]Josiah[/name] [name]Cleaveland[/name] [name]Cady[/name]*
[name]Basil[/name] Champneys*
[name]Alexander[/name] [name]Jackson[/name] [name]Davis[/name]
[name]Watson[/name] Fothergill *
[name]Victor[/name] Horta
[name]Barthelemy[/name] Lafon
[name]William[/name] [name]Morris[/name]*
[name]John[/name] [name]Nash[/name]
[name]Isaiah[/name] [name]Rogers[/name]
[name]Louis[/name] [name]Sullivan[/name]
[name]Otto[/name] [name]Wagner[/name]*
[name]Stanford[/name] White
[name]Theo[/name] van Doesburg
[name]Charles[/name] and [name]Ray[/name] [name]Eames[/name] (designer couple could work as boy or girl mn)*
[name]Walter[/name] [name]Burley[/name] [name]Griffin[/name]*
[name]Clarence[/name] [name]Johnson[/name]*
[name]Owen[/name] Luder*
[name]James[/name] [name]Stirling[/name]*
Thanks for all your help, everyone! I will pass on the names to my sister for her opinions!
Also, my sister refuses to think of girl names she likes. She is convinced she will only have boys - [name]Rhys[/name] and Wils - so she has neglected to come up with any girl names she likes. Anybody have any that sound superb with those names? Thanks!
For a girl, my favorite name, [name]Isadora[/name]!
[name]Isidore[/name] was the middle name of [name]Louis[/name] I. Kahn (one of my husband’s favorites) and the feminine version is so beautiful! [name]Louise[/name] or [name]Louisa[/name] would make lovely middle names with it.
I like architecture too - I guess a lot of the greats have already been mentioned, but does your sister have a favorite? I guess I feel that if I were in a vocation with inspiring figures, I would already have someone in mind for a namesake. [name]Gustave[/name] Eiffel for me.
Also - [name]Archie[/name] would be a little bit of a pun. [name]Michelangelo[/name] a [name]Leonardo[/name] DaVinci are also architects’ names. I.M. [name]Pei[/name] might not be her favorite - but I.M. can stand for whatever she likes.
Other names that might mean builder or dwelling. Supersearch isn’t helping me out on this one, but maybe some others have names like that they can list.
Architecture reminds me of types of edifice - bridges, arches, and towers, as well as cabins, estates, cathedrals, everything in between; features of buildings like domes, columns and pediments and cantilevers. Not really names but inspiration for names about architecture. Other things I think of are animals who also build dwellings of some sophisticated design for their species - bees, birds, and beavers. Other animals do as well, but these really open up that category for me.
I think also of the earliest forms, the ancient beginnings. The Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, the Parthenon. Styles of Architecture like Rococo! That might be a little fancy, maybe [name]Rocco[/name] instead.
Really, I get a million, zillion ideas from this - not just great architects, not just (mostly) from the last century. Where does she look for inspiration - how did she decide to become an architect? I think she would have the inside track on a namesake or reference to her inspirations.
[name]Julia[/name] [name]Morgan[/name], one of the few famous female architects, was a [name]California[/name] native who designed numerous beautiful buildings here, including portions of [name]Hearst[/name] Castle.
I am actually shy one semester of my masters of architecture, have been working in the field for several years and have LOVED reading this post! This brought back a lot of memories because my friends and I in undergrad, actually had a conversation in one of our arch. history classes about what the perfect architecture name would be or architect child’s name would be. Bare with me for a minute.
For a girl:
Corinthian [name]Doric[/name] (types of classical column orders)
For a boy:
Architrave [name]Mason[/name] (part of a column and well a mason) [name]Archie[/name] for short. lol.
ridiculous, I know, but I still remember us coming up with these names. Lol. She now ironically has two sons, [name]Mason[/name] and [name]Clay[/name].
I have never been tempted to use a famous architect’s name, but if you want help brainstorming more ideas, let me know.
Wow, that is really cool, dotsmom! And, those names are pretty spectacular (albeit a tad ridiculous) if you ask me! [name]Mason[/name] and [name]Clay[/name] - now that is cute!
Who knows if my sister will even end up doing this. She has a hard time latching onto anything (beyond [name]Rhys[/name], that is, a name she had a dream about a while back)…
I would like to chime in with some more architecture names (I took a few arch. courses in college before I switched majors - way too many late nights!)
So from one of my school books comes:
I ran this list past my sister who is also an architect, and she giggled at most of the names because a lot of these are terms that are not so glorious or romantic… but hey, for a middle name, some might be able to work. This was fun. [name]Hope[/name] this helps!
I don’t know what kind of names your sister is considering, but I was wondering if she might like to use a middle name from a style of architecture, not an architect.
Here are some:
[name]Austin[/name] (austin stone)
[name]Roman[/name], [name]Romy[/name], [name]Romana[/name] for the Romanesque period
Names from buildings and structures:
[name]Louis[/name] or [name]Arch[/name], [name]Archy[/name] from the [name]St[/name]. [name]Louis[/name] [name]Arch[/name]
[name]Brooke[/name], [name]Brooklyn[/name] for the [name]Brooklyn[/name] [name]Bridge[/name]
You get the idea. Or maybe she can pick some of her favorite stuctures or buildings and use those names.