Are 3 Gr- names too much?

I have a [name]Griffin[/name] and a [name]Grace[/name] and am pregnant with #3, which is a boy. We want to name him [name]Grant[/name], but we’re unsure if three Gr- names is too much. We happen to love the name independent of the fact that it’s also a Gr- name, and also kinda like that it is a Gr- name but don’t want it to be too much. We’re also wondering if it’d be weird to go outside the Gr- pattern (our other choice is [name]Landon[/name]). Thoughts?

Two is a coincidence, three is a theme.

Themes are tricky. If you think you could get stuck in the theme later on (if you should ever have a fourth), I’d examine my other options.

It depends, if you like it that much, I would say go for it. Are you planning on having more children? [name]Do[/name] you like other Gr- names?

My personal choice would be [name]Landon[/name], because I don’t care for themed sibsets. Also, if you have more children, it will be hard to break away from that. Some people might argue that the 3rd child will feel left out, but I don’t think that is ever an issue to kids, especially not with 3. If you had 4 Gr-'s and then names the 5th [name]Landon[/name] it might be an issue, but not yet. My entire family - parents, brother, and pets - all had a K or hard C name when I was young, and I never felt left out as the only one without one.

I honestly think you should go with [name]Grant[/name]. I personally am not a fan of same letter siblings but seeing as you already have two Gr names I think you should carry it on. Also is prefer [name]Grant[/name] over [name]Landon[/name] and as [name]Grant[/name] is your first choice I think you should go with it.

I think [name]Grant[/name], on its own, is too close to [name]Grace[/name]. If you had [name]Griffin[/name] and [name]Grazia[/name], I might consider [name]Grant[/name] more because it’s a different sound. However, both [name]Grant[/name] and [name]Grace[/name] are 1-syllable, Gr-beginning, consonant-heavy, sharp names. They’re a bit too close for me.
A compromise could be to go with a G name that isn’t a Gr name- [name]Gabriel[/name], [name]Gallagher[/name], [name]Garrett[/name], and [name]Gavin[/name] are all nice options. If none of those appeal, I’d say stay away from [name]Grant[/name] and just go with [name]Landon[/name].

If you love [name]Grant[/name] then go for it. [name]Even[/name] though all three names start with Gr- they are pretty different. [name]Landon[/name] is a nice choice, but it’s spiked in popularity in the last couple of years, especially where I live.

[name]Do[/name] you plan to have a fourth? If so, now is the time to break the pattern. If not, use [name]Grant[/name].

I like the theme myself. I don’t really care for [name]Landon[/name].

If you love [name]Grant[/name], I would go with [name]Grant[/name]. I think it really doesn’t matter if you stick to the pattern or break it, regardless of whether or not you plan to have more than three. There are patterns between my siblings and I that I feel left out of, but it hasn’t scarred me for life. [name]Grant[/name] is handsome and distinguished and charming, and quite frankly, I adore it (plus, [name]Griffin[/name], [name]Grace[/name], and [name]Grant[/name] are so cool for siblings!). [name]Landon[/name] feels a lot trendier than [name]Griffin[/name], [name]Grace[/name], and [name]Grant[/name], and to me, it seems like it would stick out more than [name]Griffin[/name]/[name]Grace[/name]/[name]Grant[/name] are similar, if that makes sense. They’re all lovely options, though. :slight_smile:

I would go with a G name instead of Gr-…and I don’t like [name]Landon[/name].

I love GR names ([name]Griffin[/name], [name]Grant[/name], [name]Grier[/name], Grayer, etc.) but I think three is too many. I have one Gr child and thought I’d use the name [name]Grier[/name] for a girl if I were to have two children but I would never consider it for three. I’d go with [name]Landon[/name] or a G name like [name]Garrett[/name].

I’m with southern maple-- if you want more than three, go with [name]Landon[/name]. If this is your last, [name]Grant[/name] is fine.

This post made me want to suggest combining your top two names: Grandon.

I don’t really have anything new to add about keeping the theme or breaking out while you still can. Good luck though!

I’d go with [name]Grant[/name] or some other ‘Gr’ name. [name]Landon[/name] seems out of place next to his siblings.

[name]Grant[/name]! It works well in this case. And you love it on its own terms, and aren’t just trying to be matchy.

I would stick with the theme! My name is [name]Grace[/name] and my brother is [name]Grant[/name]. Another girl would have been [name]Greta[/name] and a boy would have been [name]Griffin[/name] or [name]Grayson[/name]. I think once you have two, just go with it.

I agree with some previous comments. If you’re having more after this one then I personally would try and stray away from the theme but if you’re just having 3 then I think it will be fine. You’d be better using [name]Grant[/name] than [name]Landon[/name], imo. [name]Griffin[/name], [name]Grace[/name] & [name]Grant[/name] would be a better sibset than [name]Griffin[/name], [name]Grace[/name] & [name]Landon[/name]! I do love [name]Grant[/name], too.

I would just go ahead and use [name]Grant[/name]. Good luck! :slight_smile:

I love [name]Grant[/name] and I love it with [name]Griffin[/name] and [name]Grace[/name] too. Go for it! =]

I am actually the mom to a [name]Griffin[/name] and a [name]Landon[/name] (along with a [name]Jason[/name], a [name]Jackson[/name] and a [name]Carolina[/name]). I’d say go for [name]Grant[/name] (even though I obviously [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Landon[/name]) because it’s what you love that matters. [name]Grant[/name] is a great name and if it’s tops on your list…USE IT! Who cares about ‘themes’! If you end up having another child later on, you can chose what to do then. I think it’s silly to think you are ‘locked in’ to a theme if you don’t feel that way yourself. All of my boys do happen to have names that end in an ‘n’. However, in searching for our final son’s name (I’m pregnant with #6 right now), we didn’t restrict ourselves to only looking for names that end in an ‘n’. Funnily, I guess our taste in names brought us right back to that ending as the top name on our list does happen to also end in an ‘n’.

All of that said, it will sound ‘off’ to some people to have [name]Griffin[/name], [name]Grace[/name], [name]Grant[/name] and then a non ‘Gr’ named child. It may even really bug them…but why would you really care? Close relatives named their children [name]Elena[/name] [name]Grace[/name], [name]James[/name] [name]Karl[/name] and [name]Betsy[/name] [name]Kate[/name]. That bugs the heck out of me because why on earth didn’t the last child get even one ‘real’ full name while her siblings got two each? Actually, it’s more an issue of not using a nickname as a name for me than one matching your siblings names in this case…but you know what, I’ve never shared that opinion with them and I don’t love my nieces or nephew any less because their names don’t flow nicely together in my opinion or I don’t like the use of nicknames as legal names. I realize names are a personal preference and they gave their daughter the name they loved most when they had her. I’d hate to think that she ended up with their ‘second best’ name just to please people who may not like the flow of their choices together (even though I’m one of them).

Phew, sorry for so many words, I really just meant to say, use [name]Grant[/name] if you love it. Unless the ‘Gr’ flow thing bugs YOU (or your dh). The rest of the world will get used to it and nobody will [name]EVER[/name] think any less of your son because he has siblings with names that have the same first two letters. :wink: