Are Sophie and Sadie too similar?

I have a daughter, [name_f]Sophie[/name_f], and am currently due with our second. We really like [name_f]Sadie[/name_f] as a name, but I was wondering if you think that they’re too similar sounding?

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They are to me, yes!


Hmm, I am on the fence! They are so similar soundwise, but the names have a very different feel to one another - Sophie being gentle and sweet and Sadie strong and sassy! I think you might get a lot of feedback from us Berries that they’re too similar, but out in the real world, children have similar names like this all the time and it’s just fine!

I don’t think they’re too similar! The first syllable vowel sounds are very different, which helps.

I find them too similar, I’m afraid!

How do you feel about [name_f]Edie[/name_f]? I think it’s a wonderful underused alternative to [name_f]Sadie[/name_f] with the same sassy, retro feel.


I’m a bit hestiant but I think they are just different enough

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No, I think [name_f]Sophie[/name_f] and [name_f]Sadie[/name_f] sound lovely as sisters.

They are similiar but not unusably so

They are too similar to me. But if that’s the name you have your heart set on and there’s no other contender that comes close, I’d say go for it.

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I think so honestly :purple_heart:

They’re similar but I don’t think it’s unusable.

I do think they are a bit too close, sorry!

^^ My thoughts exactly.

personally, I wouldn’t do it (?) but if you really love [name_f]Sadie[/name_f], I say use it anyway. I’d rather use names I love than have a ‘cohesive’ sibset.

They’re similar but I agree with the above: if you love it, use it, that’s more important than how they sound together than to pick something you like less just so it “fits” better.


I disagree with the previous posters actually - I don’t find them overly similar at all!

You could probably keep their names straight, no problem. But will people outside your family be able to keep them straight? :thinking:

I don’t think they are too similar!

They’re close, but I think it works, particularly if the girls are farther apart in age.

I think visually they look very similar but when I say them out loud, they are fairly distinct from one another and actually sound like amazing sister names to me!