Are the initials AF possible?

We’ve narrowed it down to three possible names; Amy Frances, Amy Winifred and Amy Florence.

The only issue is that two of the have AF as initials, which I’m sure we can guess what they stand for. Is that a no-go area or do you think it’ll be okay. Our surname starts with T, but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t add anything to the phrase so it would just be the first and middle name.

I know middles are massively used (at least not where I live), so is it a problem or would be be okay? (If so, which name do you prefer?)

in what situation would you be writing down your first and middle initials, but not your surname initial? i think it’s fine. if anything, i think they’d use it to joke around as a teenager. but i can’t imagine it being a problem at all

(and i prefer Amy Florence! very pretty)


I think it’s fine. Honestly took me a minute to even remember what it stands for. Plus initials are usually used first/last or first/middle/last, not just first/middle (I mean it can happen, but it’s not super common)

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I would think its a bonus.


I don’t think it’s a problem. It might even be seen as a plus, depending on the bearer / circumstance.

I think it’s fine, especially when you include the last name initial. [name_f]Amy[/name_f] [name_u]Florence[/name_u] is gorgeous!

it’s totally fine! gonna ditto everyone else and say i would also look at it as a bonus. powerful af.

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It would be okay

I think it’s fine, I agree with what other said, that you don’t normally write just your middle and last initials very often, and i don’t think other people would see it as a terrible thing

I think it’s totally fine since she’ll mostly be known as AT or AFT if anyone uses her initials

If it helps, I’m not actually sure what it’s supposed to refer to. Around my area it just stands for [name_f]Air[/name_f] Force, which I can’t imagine is what you’re thinking about. :joy:

Agreed, @venezio!! I think it’ll be very uncommon to use first and middle initials without the last name initial too! Amy Florence is my favorite (I love how especially Little Women this is), followed by Amy Winifred! What beautiful names!!

Honestly her initials would include her surname and awkward like BJ which I feel is to much personally I think it’s fine

[name_f]Amy[/name_f] [name_u]Florence[/name_u] is so sweet