♥ Are these good characters?! (Poll,help&advice) ♥

See the results of this poll: Favourite Character! (by their personality)

Respondents: 13 (This poll is closed)

  • Julia : 1 (8%)
  • Riley : 3 (23%)
  • Bella : 3 (23%)
  • Lauren : 2 (15%)
  • Lila: 4 (31%)

[name_m]Hi[/name_m]! Your names are just… alright, in my opinion. Sorry.
Not everyone needs a nickname. And also, what is your story about? The characters seem a little stereotypical but I’m sure that if you explain the context for me, I would understand.

I have to agree with @melodamn, they all seem sort of stereotyped and I can’t really make a judgement on their personality based on the information provided. For example, I’m sure [name_f]Bella[/name_f] is far more than just her panic attacks. What does she day dream about? [name_m]How[/name_m] does she react to change? Is she a jealous type? Does she crave attention or fear it? What sort of quirks does she have that only her close friends know about? As readers we need to know who your characters are, not just what they do or look like. I’m sure there is more to them in your story, and giving us context would certainly make it easier to choose a favorite, but the descriptions you gave aren’t complex enough for me to like any of them.

As far as the names go, their names make me guess they’re high school girls, based on the years those names were popular. If that’s what you’re going for then they work fine, but they’re sort of unremarkable in my opinion. The nicknames sort of take away from full names, honestly. The fact that they all have nicknames sort of cheapens them.

I think that they all have potential but need further development. Keep writing!

As the previous posters have said, your characters seem more like stereotypes than actual people. But that’s okay! It’s a good start. I would encourage you to check out this post: "I was made for another world"

It’s helped me to better develop my characters, so I’m sure it’ll help you too. :slight_smile: