I am brand new to nameberry as a member, so Im still learning how to post and reply and all the good stuff.
I have been thinking about naming baby girl [name]Felicity[/name] [name]Claire[/name]. These names mean a lot to my family, as [name]Felicity[/name] is my moms name and [name]Claire[/name] is my husband’s grandma’s middle name. My only issue with the name is its initials FCK since my last name starts with a K. Oh no! I just dont think I could through with it! But I love the name! What do you guys think?? Am I cruel for even still considering it? I am willing to branch out and not use family names. But my first preference would be to have a name with meaning.
Names I also like, but not so much [name]Love[/name]
Names in my family potentially for middle names
[name]Kathy[/name] (not [name]Katherine[/name], just [name]Kathy[/name])