Are these initials unusable?

See the results of this poll: Are the initials DMN unusable?

Respondents: 63 (This poll is closed)

  • Yes, unusable : 3 (5%)
  • Reading into it too much, not that big of deal: 60 (95%)

I don’t think it is much of an issue. It doesn’t directly spell anything problematic, and it’s a common acronym for anything bad either. I would use the name you love and not worry about it!

You so rarely initial things I don’t think this should be a deal breaker. Also if you were to get something monogrammed it would read MDN - also one can always choose to just do FN/LN initials which would be DN.

it’s not like they spell ASS (AS) or SEX (SX) or something where you couldn’t just do FN/LN for initials instead of all three.

Unless you’re planning on using all three initials all the time, I don’t see an issue at all.

My husband’s and [name_m]BIL[/name_m]'s initials are both DAM (which wasn’t entirely unintentional haha). No one has ever really commented on it, but they both think it’s hilarious. So even if your child sees what you’re seeing, it’s unlikely that anyone else will or that they’ll care. I wouldn’t let initials make or break a name for you. :slight_smile:

You’re looking way too into it

Oooops, I voted for unusable by mistake but I think it’s totally usable!

Completely usable. Actually when I read your poll I was thinking, “what does DMN stand for, I don’t think I’ve ever heard this acronym”. I definitely didn’t think of damn or demon. It’s not like we use all our initials together unless we want to- I know people who initial/sign like that but it’s definitely not common or expected.

Thanks, everyone! I appreciate it!

Totally fine.

I wouldn’t worry! You only notice it if you’re reaching and even then, it’s more funny than anything.

Unusable initials in my opinion would be something like [name_u]BO[/name_u] or BM, both of which I came up with I tried one of my favorite names ([name_m]Beckett[/name_m]) with my SO’s and I’s surnames!

Oh no, i wouldn’t