Are These Names To Similar?

I love the name Yelena and it has personal connections to me but it’s almost the same name as a distant family member. I would probably only see this family member at most once every few years. Are the names too similar to the point I couldn’t use Yelena? Thank you!

No, they aren’t too similar due to the fact you’d hardly ever see this relative and they are very distantly removed. If it were a cousin’s name or someone your child might see often, then I would avoid it. Go for [name_f]Yelena[/name_f]!


i agree that it’s totally fine. you’ll barely see this relative and they aren’t closely related to you. you should use Yelena if you want!

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I think it’s completely fine if you aren’t going to see the family member often. [name_f]Yelena[/name_f] is beautiful and if she has meaning to you, I say go for it!

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You didn’t specify what the family member’s name is so as to how similar they are I cannot answer that, but I think in general someone you only see once every few years should not affect your name options. Unless you are close and talk a lot and just don’t see each other because you live far away from each other or something. But if you are not close, do not keep up with each other, and only see each other because of mutual family members, then definitely go for it.

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to me it sounds like you could totally use yelena !! and yelena is an amazing name :wink:

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Since you hardly ever see each other, it’s totally fine imo

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With how infrequently you see them, and with it still being a different name, I think [name_f]Yelena[/name_f] is fine. Gorgeous name btw!

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Since you rarely see them and it has personal connections, I think it’s fine :slight_smile:

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