See the results of this poll: Are Gary and Garrett too similar?
Respondents: 71 (This poll is closed)
- Yes! People will think it’s homage to your dad : 38 (54%)
- No! They are different enough that no one will bat an eye!: 33 (46%)
Respondents: 71 (This poll is closed)
I nearly went with yes because I thought you meant as siblings! I think it’s fine. In everyday life how many people know what your Dad is called? Plus if your estranged I’m sure your family know that and would know it’s not any kind of honour name.
I voted yes BUT like somebody mentioned earlier only your family members will know what your fathers name is.
I really love the name as well and I don’t think it has to be a homage to your father but if someone had posted the question “[name_m]How[/name_m] to honour man named [name_u]Gary[/name_u]?” I’m sure [name_m]Garrett[/name_m] would be suggested.
It’s a great name - use it if you love the name but not if you think it’s going to cause you any grief. Have you considered [name_u]Barrett[/name_u]? I think it’s great to with the cutest built in nickname with [name_m]Bear[/name_m].
I think if your dad was estranged then maybe people would slowly make the association. However, since he is estranged, I don’t think people will notice, like [name_m]Garrett[/name_m] and [name_u]Gary[/name_u] won’t be in the same room or brought up in conversation together so I don’t think the link will be made.
I voted no because I actually read what you wrote. I was originally going to vote yes because I assumed you meant for siblings.
As others have said, I think if you were looking for a way to honor a [name_u]Gary[/name_u] that [name_m]Garrett[/name_m] would be suggested. But I think in this case the names are different enough and the situation is clear enough to prove otherwise.
I say use it! [name_m]Garrett[/name_m] is a great name, it is one I often suggest here. Good luck!
I would assume that [name_m]Garrett[/name_m] was named after [name_u]Gary[/name_u].
I’m sorry… I voted yes before reading and also assumed it was for siblings. I think that in your circumstance it’s fine
I think they are very close.
I voted Yes, only because I would make the association. But then again that may be because I’m a name nerd. Have you considered something less apparent, like an alternate spelling {[name_m]Gerrit[/name_m]?} or something with more background {[name_m]Gareth[/name_m]? Literary cred via Arthurian legend}. Or the similar [name_m]Beckett[/name_m], [name_m]Bennett[/name_m], [name_u]Elliot[/name_u], or [name_u]Emmett[/name_u]?
They are absolutely super close, the sort of close that’s way too close for siblings. [name_u]Gary[/name_u] is a nick name option for [name_m]Garrett[/name_m]. I don’t think it everyone will necessarily insist it has to honor your dad though, if you’d rather not.
If you wanted it to be an honor name, it could be. But it isn’t necessarily tied to [name_u]Gary[/name_u]. The names are similar in sound, but such different styles!
I have an estranged father named [name_m]Eddie[/name_m], but I would name my son [name_m]Edmond[/name_m] if I loved the name. [name_m]Garrett[/name_m] is also a popular name, so I don’t think anyone will bat an eye!
If it’s for siblings, then yes. But with your situation, I think it’s completely fine! I say use it. [name_m]Garrett[/name_m] is a great name.
I don’t think it is a problem really but if you are concerned, how about the name [name_m]Jarrett[/name_m]?
I assumed you meant siblings, so I voted ‘yes’. Sorry, I say ‘no’ now that I have actually read what you wrote.
They are similar but if you love it go for it.
I agree with this. I also like the suggestion of [name_m]Gareth[/name_m]. Both great, solid names.
I’m going to say yes. While it’s true that only the people that know your dads name would make the connection, I wouldn’t want them to think it in any ways honors him. It clearly bothers you enough that you’ve said no through other pregnancies.