Are these names usable?

[name]Esmerelda[/name] / [name]Esmeralda[/name]
[name]Zephyr[/name] / [name]Zephyrus[/name]

Curious…SOME of these names are on my list for future babies, some of them are “guilty pleasure.”

I have odd tastes and would use more unusual names if I didn’t have to get DP to agree, so these may not be usable for everyone but I could use. I also lived int he UK for a long time and some of these names are not seen as weird there.

[name]Esmerelda[/name] / [name]Esmeralda[/name]
[name]Melody[/name] - hate this
[name]Pandora[/name] - love this
[name]Thor[/name] - but would spell it [name]Tor[/name] as I’m in Scandinavia

Scheherazade - This is lovely, but it would be a pronunciation nightmare. I don’t think it would wear well.
[name]Viviette[/name] - Not my style, but certainly usable.
[name]Andromeda[/name] - A lot of people might disagree with me, but I think this is wearable. It’s pretty, and there are numerous nn possibilities if she turns out to be a tree climber instead of a little lady.
[name]Othello[/name] - This one could be a toughie. maybe as a middle name.
Beowulf - I like the sound of it, but I wouldn’t use it.
[name]Persephone[/name] - I’m divided on this one. I think it’s beautiful, but I don’t like the accompanying nicknames. I think it’s usable, but would be challenging.
[name]Aramis[/name] - I’m honestly not sure about this one.
[name]Echo[/name] - Usable and lovely.
[name]Valencia[/name] - This this is usable.
[name]Albus[/name] - I think this is a possibility. It’s recognizable, and it’s easy to pronounce. Yeah, I think it’s wearable.
D’artagnan - This is a little much.
[name]Basil[/name] - I don’t see why not. It’s a little fussy, though.
[name]Atlas[/name] - I have a hard time seeing this on a little boy.
[name]Geronimo[/name] - This is a little much.
[name]Esmerelda[/name] / [name]Esmeralda[/name] - I think this one is a little much.
[name]Jericho[/name] - Very doable.
[name]Jessamine[/name] -Very doable.
[name]Meadow[/name] - Yeah, it’s usable.
[name]Melody[/name] - It feels a little dated to me, because I know some adults with the name. But it’s perfectly doable.
[name]Osiris[/name] - I’m divided about this one, but I’m going to say that sound-wise, it’s usable. The accompanying myth could be an issue.
[name]Oswald[/name] - I just don’t like the sound myself.
[name]Pandora[/name] - I’m pretty able to handwave mythology in favor of a name, but this one is a tough one. I’m going to say no.
[name]Reginald[/name] - I suppose it’s usable, but I’m not a fan.
[name]Thaddeus[/name] - Very usable.
Tecumseh -No, I think this is too much.
[name]Thor[/name] - I’ve already read birth announcements for little Thors, so why not? It’s short, easy to pronounce, and with the [name]Marvel[/name] film, it’s got a hot guy attached to it.
[name]Zephyr[/name] / [name]Zephyrus[/name] - It’s a little much.

I have recently seen babies named [name]Thor[/name], [name]Persephone[/name], and [name]Thaddeus[/name]. Some of the others are nice and I could see them on a little one but some I think are too far out there. I don’t even know how to pronounce Scheherazade, sorry. I think [name]Albus[/name] will immediately bring to mind the Dumbledore reference and [name]Valencia[/name] makes me think of oranges. I think you have a very nice list in your tag line, though! I love [name]Cordelia[/name], [name]Juliet[/name], and [name]Willow[/name] for girls and [name]Isaac[/name] and [name]Gideon[/name] for boys. :slight_smile:

[name]Viviette[/name] - Definitely.
[name]Andromeda[/name] - Workable, but you might get a few HP nerdy comments on it. [name]Andromeda[/name] is the name of Tonks’ mother.
[name]Othello[/name] - The sound can work, but I think this is a [name]Shakespeare[/name] play of sorts, so Idk if there are any negative references.
[name]Echo[/name] - It can be used, but I think you’ll get endless “Taunts” or comments on it.
[name]Valencia[/name] - Yup.
[name]Albus[/name] - You’ll get lots of [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] references.
[name]Basil[/name] - I actually have two cousins with this name, so yeah, it’s workable imo.
[name]Geronimo[/name] - I think so, but kids might pick up on it because there’s a series of books about a mouse detective called [name]Geronimo[/name] Stilton. (My brother adores them)
[name]Esmerelda[/name] / [name]Esmeralda[/name] - Yup, but everyone who knows of Disney will make the commentary on The Hunchback of Notre Dame reference.
[name]Jessamine[/name] - Very workable. But it sounds like a dog’s name, NO OFFENSE INTENDED. I probably feel this way because I knew a dog named [name]Jessa[/name].
[name]Melody[/name] - Definitely.
[name]Oswald[/name] - Totally can be used.
[name]Pandora[/name] - I think it can work fine.
[name]Reginald[/name] - Yup.
[name]Thaddeus[/name] - Workable, but imo, the kid would have to be very dynamic.

The rest of your list I don’t really think are that workable.

Some stood out to me as possibilities: viviette, [name]Thaddeus[/name], meadow, [name]Valencia[/name] “[name]Val[/name]”, [name]Persephone[/name] “[name]Percy[/name]”

I also like minnow which is like meadow. Heard it on the movie The Romantics.

Scheherazade - no. Pronunciation would be awful.
[name]Viviette[/name] - yes. This is pretty.
[name]Andromeda[/name] - yes!
[name]Othello[/name] - maybe… not sure on this one.
Beowulf - no.
[name]Persephone[/name] - yes! I’m loving this name lately.
[name]Aramis[/name] - not really.
[name]Echo[/name] - I’d say no. The teasing potential is too much.
[name]Valencia[/name] - yes.
[name]Albus[/name] - maybe.
D’artagnan - no.
[name]Basil[/name] - I guess. It’s not really any different than [name]Sage[/name], and that’s used, so why not?
[name]Atlas[/name] - not really.
[name]Geronimo[/name] - no.
[name]Esmerelda[/name] / [name]Esmeralda[/name] - yes.
[name]Jericho[/name] - maybe.
[name]Jessamine[/name] - yes! This is one of my top names :slight_smile:
[name]Meadow[/name] - maybe as a middle.
[name]Melody[/name] - yes.
[name]Osiris[/name] - not really.
[name]Oswald[/name] - no.
[name]Pandora[/name] - It sounds pretty, but the meaning/background of the name is a bit much to lay on a kid.
[name]Reginald[/name] - no.
[name]Thaddeus[/name] - yes. nn [name]Thad[/name].
Tecumseh - no.
[name]Thor[/name] - I don’t think so.
[name]Zephyr[/name] / [name]Zephyrus[/name] - I have [name]Zephyra[/name] on my list for a girl, so I’d say yes.

Scheherazade - Agree with PPs. I didn’t even try pronouncing it, haha.
[name]Viviette[/name] - I like it. Though many people might think you were getting kre8ive with [name]Vivienne[/name].
[name]Andromeda[/name] - I think this would be hard to pull off.
[name]Othello[/name] - Maybe.
Beowulf - Also maybe.
[name]Persephone[/name] - I think this is usable.
[name]Aramis[/name] - I think so.
[name]Echo[/name] - Maybe. A little odd, but not too much.
[name]Valencia[/name] - Yes, usable. (I like it as it reminds me of [name]Danny[/name] [name]Valencia[/name] from the MN Twins :))
[name]Albus[/name] - Probably usable.
D’artagnan - No. Pronunciation would be difficult and I’m not a fan of apostrophes in first names. A lot of people won’t get any connection to the name, so they’d think you’re being yooneek.
[name]Basil[/name] - Yes and no. I think there’s a little teasing potential, but nothing terrible.
[name]Atlas[/name] - Maybe. See [name]Basil[/name].
[name]Geronimo[/name] - Huge teasing potential. I can see kids on the playground yelling “GERONIMOOOOOOO!”
[name]Esmerelda[/name] / [name]Esmeralda[/name] - Definitely usable. [name]Esme[/name] could be a good nn.
[name]Jericho[/name] - Usable.
[name]Jessamine[/name] - Usable but I don’t like it.
[name]Meadow[/name] - Maybe.
[name]Melody[/name] - Definitely usable.
[name]Osiris[/name] - Might have a little difficulty with pronunciation.
[name]Oswald[/name] - Definitely usable.
[name]Pandora[/name] - I think with the streaming radio called [name]Pandora[/name], it’s less usable now.
[name]Reginald[/name] - Usable. Like the nn [name]Reggie[/name].
[name]Thaddeus[/name] - I like it.
Tecumseh - I’m going to think like a middle schooler and say the middle part of the name might get some teasing.
[name]Thor[/name] - Very strong name, very hard to pull off.
[name]Zephyr[/name] / [name]Zephyrus[/name] - Maybe.

[name]Viviette[/name] - could get away with it
[name]Persephone[/name] - I like it and you could get away with it, but I’m not totally sure how usuable it is
[name]Echo[/name] - Not a fan, but it’s usable
[name]Valencia[/name] - Same as above
[name]Atlas[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name]
[name]Esmerelda[/name] / [name]Esmeralda[/name] - Same as [name]Echo[/name] and [name]Valencia[/name]
[name]Jessamine[/name] - Really like this one
[name]Thaddeus[/name] - Usable, although it’s not my favorite
[name]Thor[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name]
[name]Zephyr[/name] / [name]Zephyrus[/name] - I think these both are adorable

I feel like the rest on your list aren’t that usable, but you do have some really nice ones!

Scheherazade – wow no. No idea how to say this.

[name]Viviette[/name] – This is really cute! I actually love it.

[name]Andromeda[/name] – I don’t see why not :slight_smile: Probably better in the middle though

[name]Othello[/name] – It has a nice sound, but I don’t like it in real life as much, fine in the middle.

Beowulf – I think it’s fine in the middle, but not in the front

[name]Persephone[/name] – YES, she has negative parts to her mythology, but she is the Goddess of Springtime and without her, the earth would be a barren wasteland

[name]Aramis[/name] – This has an interesting sound but i’m not sure about it use

[name]Echo[/name] – I think this is fine in the middle but not in the front

[name]Valencia[/name] – I think this is very pretty

[name]Albus[/name] – Too [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] right now

D’artagnan – I [name]LOVE[/name] this name! It’s probably too Three Muskateer’s to be first name usable, but I wish it were.

[name]Basil[/name] – yes

[name]Atlas[/name] – I have a hard time seeing this in the front

[name]Geronimo[/name] – no

[name]Esmerelda[/name] / [name]Esmeralda[/name] – Yes, i think this is gorgeous. If people want to say Persephone isn’t usable for the sad parts of her myth, why doesn’t anyone ever say anything about the fact that Esmeralda is hanged for an attempted murder she didn’t do and then Quasimodo lays with her corpse till he starves to death? I would consider that a little more gruesome than other myths and stories. Had to rant a bit, sorry.

[name]Jericho[/name] – yes, I know someone with this as a middle name

[name]Jessamine[/name] – [name]LOVE[/name] yes

[name]Meadow[/name] – i think it’s better in the middle

[name]Melody[/name] – Yes, i know someone named [name]Melody[/name]

[name]Osiris[/name] – Why not? It’s probably better in the middle, but i like it in the front and it has the nn Sirus

[name]Oswald[/name] – yes

[name]Pandora[/name] – yes, but maybe only in the middle. I can’t think of anything good about her story like I can about
[name]Persephone[/name] or [name]Andromeda[/name]

[name]Reginald[/name] – Yes but it seems pretentious

[name]Thaddeus[/name] – yes

Tecumseh – probably but it’s a little too out there for my taste

[name]Thor[/name] – I think it’s one of the less first name usable god names, but the right kid could pull it off

[name]Zephyr[/name] / [name]Zephyrus[/name] – YES I know a set of twins named [name]Theron[/name] & [name]Zephyr[/name]. He’s really sporty and friendly so I see it working in real life all the time.

Are these names usable?

Scheherazade: definitely not!
[name]Viviette[/name]: yep!
[name]Andromeda[/name]: yes!
[name]Othello[/name]: no
Beowulf: no
[name]Persephone[/name]: I want to say yes because it’s a pretty name…but I don’t think so, maybe a middle name?
[name]Aramis[/name]: Is this masculine or feminine? It sounds very pretty for a girl’s name…
[name]Echo[/name]: only as a middle name
[name]Valencia[/name]: certainly
[name]Albus[/name]: no, [name]WAY[/name] too much [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name]
D’artagnan: No…it makes a great name for a cat though! Lol. My aunt has a cat with this name.
[name]Basil[/name]: too old and stuffy
[name]Atlas[/name]: as a middle name
[name]Geronimo[/name]: PLEASE no!
[name]Esmerelda[/name] / [name]Esmeralda[/name]: definitely!
[name]Jericho[/name]: can’t imagine it on a person
[name]Jessamine[/name]: Definitely!
[name]Meadow[/name]: yep! [name]Love[/name] this name!
[name]Melody[/name]: definitely!
[name]Osiris[/name]: eh…leaning toward no.
[name]Oswald[/name]: children’s show featuring an octopus…no
[name]Pandora[/name]: before the radio, yes. Now, no.
[name]Reginald[/name]: I know someone named [name]Reginald[/name]…it’s not my favorite but it works
[name]Thaddeus[/name]: definitely not!
Tecumseh: maybe as a middle name? Awesome name
[name]Thor[/name]: definitely not!
[name]Zephyr[/name] / [name]Zephyrus[/name]: back and forth on this one…maybe…

Scheherazade; no. save it for fiction
[name]Viviette[/name]; sounds like a toilet paper brand.
[name]Andromeda[/name]; not a name I like but probably
[name]Othello[/name]; absolutely not
Beowulf; no
[name]Persephone[/name]; I don’t like it
[name]Aramis[/name]; don’t like
[name]Echo[/name]; don’t like
[name]Valencia[/name] as in orange? maybe
[name]Albus[/name]; [name]Alba[/name] definitely is; I don’t see why not
D’artagnan; no
[name]Basil[/name]; yes
[name]Atlas[/name]; no
[name]Geronimo[/name]; as [name]Jerome[/name] I know plenty
[name]Esmerelda[/name] / [name]Esmeralda[/name]; don’t like
[name]Jericho[/name]; don’t like
[name]Jessamine[/name]; I love this name
[name]Meadow[/name]; isn’t this what [name]Lea[/name] means?
[name]Melody[/name]; don’t like but I’ve known two
[name]Osiris[/name]; no
[name]Oswald[/name]; I kind of like it, especially because of [name]Oswald[/name] Bastable, but don’t know if [name]Oswald[/name] [name]Mosley[/name] has made it unusable
[name]Pandora[/name]; don’t like it
[name]Reginald[/name]; I know plenty of guys named [name]Reginald[/name]/[name]Reggie[/name]
[name]Thaddeus[/name]; yes
Tecumseh; no. [name]Sherman[/name] was as bad as any other mass murderer
[name]Thor[/name]; yes. But I hate it when it’s mispronounced.
[name]Zephyr[/name] / [name]Zephyrus[/name]; just makes me think of the monkey in Babar

[name]Osiris[/name] is my nephews mn at first I thought it was strange but now Im used to it and I like it so I definitely think its usable! I went to school with a D’Artagnan so I think its unusual but usable

Scheherazade - sounds gorgeous but no. Not many people know how to say it and the poor kid would spend all of class trying to spell her name!

[name]Viviette[/name] - definitely usable. Right in there with [name]Vivienne[/name].

[name]Andromeda[/name] - It’s a bit of clunker but I think it’s wearable.

[name]Othello[/name] - works for exceptionally literary parents only.

Beowulf - Um. Maybe but please don’t.

[name]Persephone[/name] - I think [name]Penelope[/name] has paved the way for this one so definitely yes.

[name]Aramis[/name] - Not sure how to pronounce this one and everything I come up with is not particularly pretty to me.

[name]Echo[/name] - No. Endless teasing. Teasing. Teasing.

[name]Valencia[/name] - Unusual but possible.

[name]Albus[/name] - Seriously, this made me laugh out loud.

D’artagnan - Looks like a complete headache. Pronunciation, spelling, not to mention the apostrophe.

[name]Basil[/name] - Safe.

[name]Atlas[/name] - pretty heavy. Or else a map.

[name]Geronimo[/name] - LOL I would seriously not even be able to keep a straight face if a met a guy named this.

[name]Esmerelda[/name] / [name]Esmeralda[/name] - This is a pretty name but I have trouble separating this from The Hunchback of Notre Dame so I wouldn’t.

[name]Jericho[/name] - Another one that sounds awesome but the history overrides. I say nay.

[name]Jessamine[/name] - I’ve heard this one tossed around here quite a bit and I think it’s completely usable, though not my style.

[name]Meadow[/name] - Sounds a little hippie but it’s fine.

[name]Melody[/name] - I thought this was an accepted first name long ago.

[name]Osiris[/name] - I’ve never heard this one before, not sure on pronunciation. It’s pretty out there but who am I to talk, LOL

[name]Oswald[/name] - I think this is definitely usable.

[name]Pandora[/name] - A little much.

[name]Reginald[/name] - Thoroughly English [name]Duke[/name] but usable.

[name]Thaddeus[/name] - I hate this name. It isn’t any worse than [name]Atticus[/name] though.

Tecumseh - You’d have to like that period of history an awful lot. I mean a lot a lot. …And I’m still coming up with no.

[name]Thor[/name] - For a pet, adorable…

[name]Zephyr[/name] / [name]Zephyrus[/name] - I think this is definitely usable. I have a son named Zephan which is a contraction of [name]Zephaniah[/name], and it is sometimes mistaken for [name]Zephyr[/name]. Strong sound for a name. But I have found that lots of people think it’s just plain weird.

All of these are names that I could see myself using (in another more creative, accepting life.)

[name]Esmerelda[/name] / [name]Esmeralda[/name]
[name]Zephyr[/name] / [name]Zephyrus[/name]

Scheherazade - no, most people will butcher it
[name]Viviette[/name] - no, sounds very made up
[name]Andromeda[/name] - yes
[name]Othello[/name] - no.
Beowulf - NO!!
[name]Persephone[/name] - YES!!
[name]Aramis[/name] - yeah, but he might be a playboy
[name]Echo[/name] - no.
[name]Valencia[/name] - yeah…
[name]Albus[/name] - NO.
D’artagnan - maaaaybe…
[name]Basil[/name] - YES!!
[name]Atlas[/name] - yes
[name]Geronimo[/name] - NO.
[name]Esmerelda[/name] / [name]Esmeralda[/name] - if you spell it the right way, yes
[name]Jericho[/name] - maybe? Sounds like a WWF wrestler…or maybe it was?
[name]Jessamine[/name] - YES!
[name]Meadow[/name] - better than [name]Melody[/name], but not by much
[name]Melody[/name] - middle name only, very dated and ditzy
[name]Osiris[/name] - middle name only
[name]Oswald[/name] - noooooo
[name]Pandora[/name] - yes, I love it
[name]Reginald[/name] - no, I don’t even think [name]Reggie[/name] is cute
[name]Thaddeus[/name] - yes, but you’d better find a suitable nickname
Tecumseh - yeah, I think people could warm up to it
[name]Thor[/name] - Yeah, thanks to the movie I think people will accept it better
[name]Zephyr[/name] / [name]Zephyrus[/name] - [name]Zephyr[/name] yes, [name]Zephyrus[/name] no

Scheherazade–I haven’t seen this before. It looks more like a word you would learn in a language class than a name.
[name]Viviette[/name]–Aw, pretty. :slight_smile:
[name]Andromeda[/name]–[name]Love[/name] this! I like the nicknames [name]Romy[/name] or [name]Andie[/name]
[name]Othello[/name]–Very [name]Shakespeare[/name], but I could see this on a little boy
Beowulf–I knew a guy with this name and everyone thought it was so cool
[name]Persephone[/name]–A lot of people would mispronounce this, I would guess, but I would still say it’s very usable as it’s a mythology classic.
[name]Aramis[/name]–Is this the guy from the Three Musketeers? I like it.
[name]Echo[/name]–I read a book about a girl by this name. It’s so pretty and melancholy sounding.
[name]Valencia[/name]–Not personally my style but definitely usable.
[name]Albus[/name]–Ehh…I don’t know. It’s too Dumbledore for me but it could work I suppose.
D’artagnan–Reminds me of the Gnommish expletive d’arvit from the [name]Artemis[/name] Fowl books…
[name]Basil[/name]–I really like this! I would love to see a kid with this name.
[name]Atlas[/name]–Same as above! Very cool name, [name]IMO[/name].
[name]Geronimo[/name]–Could work, as in [name]Geronimo[/name] Stilton. I read a web comic with a character named Gilgamesh which has made me reconsider these really unusual names in terms of usability.
[name]Esmerelda[/name] / [name]Esmeralda[/name]–[name]Lovely[/name]. I would use it. I know an [name]Anastasia[/name], which this reminds me of (though she goes by her mn).
[name]Jericho[/name]–Hm, reminds me of the DC Teen Titan. I wouldn’t be able to get past the geological reference though.
[name]Jessamine[/name]–My sister really likes this one! [name]Jess[/name] is a very workable nn.
[name]Meadow[/name]–I read a book about a girl named [name]Meadow[/name] and I’ve loved this name ever since.
[name]Osiris[/name]–Cool, I think it could work.
[name]Oswald[/name]–This could work too. I read a book with an [name]Oswaldo[/name] and they call him [name]Oz[/name].
[name]Pandora[/name]–The mythological figure isn’t that great a role model but it’s a nice name. Nickname [name]Dora[/name] or [name]Dorie[/name] maybe?
[name]Reginald[/name]–Very regal sounding. :slight_smile:
[name]Thaddeus[/name]–[name]LOVE[/name] this name.
Tecumseh–My dad would like this. I don’t know how other people would respond though. They’d probably find it interesting and want to know the meaning and history behind it.
[name]Thor[/name]–Definitely usable.
[name]Zephyr[/name] / [name]Zephyrus[/name]–I love this too. Breezy and quirky. I like the -us ending. I haven’t seen that before.

Great list! I would consider several of these myself, and most of the others I would say are quite usable, especially the ones based on mythology and history.

Scheherazade- I agree, pronunciation nightmare. I have no idea how to say this.
[name]Viviette[/name]- Not my fave, but usable, as it’s close to [name]Vivian[/name].
[name]Andromeda[/name]- Usable. One of my friend’s in high school Latin used this as her Latin name. The one downside would be the sci-fi show by the same name.
[name]Othello[/name]- This is a board game to me, honestly. [name]Even[/name] though it is a [name]Shakespeare[/name] play.
Beowulf- I’m gonna have to go with no.
[name]Persephone[/name]- I can see this…original, but classic.
[name]Aramis[/name]- I love this name. I’ll be honest, my vet has a cat named this but he is a gorgeous, sleek, black cat. It’s a wonderfully dignified name.
[name]Echo[/name]- [name]Love[/name] it.
[name]Valencia[/name]- Makes me think of a window valence, honestly.
[name]Albus[/name]- Like someone else said, [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name].
D’artagnan- Another one I’m not sure of the pronunciation on.
[name]Basil[/name]- I’m wavering on this one, I want to say usable, but it was also my 84 year old grandmother’s brother’s name…[name]Just[/name] doesn’t flow well to my ear.
[name]Atlas[/name]- Middle name, maybe?
[name]Geronimo[/name]- I think this one is said too frequently when cannon balling into a pool to be a valid name.
[name]Esmerelda[/name] / [name]Esmeralda[/name]- I think of the movie. But she was a gorgeous character, strong-willed and independent. Definitely things I’d want my daughter to be capable of.
[name]Jericho[/name]- Yes.
[name]Jessamine[/name]- I’m going with no, mostly just cause I’m not too fond of it. Sounds very Old [name]West[/name]/Country.
[name]Meadow[/name]- Absolutely for a middle name.
[name]Melody[/name]- [name]Love[/name] it. Know a girl at school with the name. She sings beautifully. Would be kind of unfortunate for a tone-deaf child though.
[name]Osiris[/name]- I love it, but I wanted to be an Egyptologist as a child. :slight_smile:
[name]Oswald[/name]- Makes me think of the kids show with the blue octopus.
[name]Pandora[/name]- Cool. :slight_smile:
[name]Reginald[/name]- Sounds very stuck up to me. Maybe with the nickname [name]Reggie[/name] it would be nice though.
[name]Thaddeus[/name]- Sounds ritzy, but not stuck up to me.
Tecumseh- Not my bowl of soup.
[name]Thor[/name]- Makes me think of the recent movie.
[name]Zephyr[/name] / [name]Zephyrus[/name]- [name]Love[/name] [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Zephyr[/name]. Awesome name for a boy or girl.

Thanks for your responses.

To those who mentioned potential mispronunciations of Scheherazade/ couldn’t pronounce it, have you ever heard of the Arabian nights? About the [name]Sultan[/name] who would marry a new wife each day and kill her the next? [name]Ever[/name] heard of the woman who charmed him, told him riveting stories and ended at a cliff hanger? She promised to tell him the ending if he would let her live the next day, and the next night, she would start another story and end at a cliff hanger, and again and again and again, until he grew attached her and she was ‘saved.’

Another way to spell it is Shahrazad.

Oh, and [name]Aramis[/name] is for a boy!