Are these names weird?

A few uncommon names for boys (middle-eastern) but living in UK.
Can you rate each one on niceness/weirdness? I’ve written literal pronunciations in brackets to make it easier.

1)Tuin (Too-in)
2)Piyam (pie-am)
3)Chuca (chew-ka)
4)[name]Ewan[/name] (ear-wan)


I think they are a little weird, but of them I think the most usable would be Tuin, it’s easy to pronounce.

I’d saw [name]Ewan[/name] would be second, but I’m afraid most would say it as Eww-in.

Chuca would be third, but it sounds to much like the word “chew”

Piyam is the last since I see pronunciation problems.

I think of [name]Ewan[/name] mcgregor when I see the name so I don’t see it as being an issue but like catloverd I would pronounce it eww-an. Tuin could easily be wearable. Chuca makes me think of chewbacca a la [name]Star[/name] Wars. I don’t see any problems with piyam pronunciation wise. I would intuitively say it as pie-am or pie-yam.

Tuin is probably easiest.

[name]Ewan[/name] in the UK I would expect people to read as you-an, the way Aussies do. Or eww-an. No offense but if there’s another transliteration that gets used sometimes I would take it, as it would reduce confusion.

I think [name]Ewan[/name] would be the most usable via actor [name]Ewan[/name] [name]McGregor[/name], but it might not extract the most desirable pronunciation. Personally, I pronounce it like you-an.

Piyam would be the most unusual, and would probably have the most pronunciation-related problems.

Chuca is also pretty strange, but it’s easier to pronounce than Piyam.

Tuin is the most usable after [name]Ewan[/name], it’s very easy to pronounce, and looks/sounds familiar.

I like Tuin the best.

Tuin and [name]Ewan[/name] are the ones that would probably translate the easiest, though you’ll get the Gaelic pronunciation of [name]Ewan[/name] more often than not.

Tuin - I like the name; it isn’t that hard to figure out the pronunciation and it’s definitely original
Piyam - It makes me think of food, to be honest. Pie and yams. It’s a good name otherwise.
Chuca - I don’t think this is a great name. It’s pretty harsh sounding and also makes think of Chewbacca.
[name]Ewan[/name] - Is not as out there as you imagine! I like it!

Thanks for the advice!
When some of you said that Tuin was the easiest to pronounce, is it actually a nice enough name?
It’s very uncommon so didn’t want to choose something that sounded silly.

I really like Payam spelled thusly. It removes any English food associations. I know a handful of Payams here in the States and like it-- I think it’s by far your best option, of these four.

Chuca sounds very close to ‘chica,’ a common Spanish word meaning ‘girl’ or ‘girlfriend.’ More alarming, it also sound like “chupa,” which means “to suck,” and you can imagine the kinds of usages that gets. I know you’re in the UK, not the US, but still, this would be unwearable over here.

Tuin sounds like “two in,” or “two Ns,” which could lead to some teasing.

[name]Ewan[/name] will be confused with [name]Ewan[/name], the Scottish variant of [name]John[/name].