[name_f]My[/name_f] all time favorite name is [name_f]Giordana[/name_f]. (jor-daw-nuh) I have recently fallen totally in love with [name_f]Angela[/name_f], pronounced the Italian way Awn-gel-uh. Does [name_f]Giordana[/name_f] and [name_f]Angela[/name_f] sound too alike, or am I just overthinking things?
Why?? Why would they be too close??
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They don’t sound too close to me at all, I think you’re fine
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Lol! I think I was just being overly picky. Sometimes I don’t even understand myself
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They obviously have a similar ending sound and both are Italian so thst is probably why you think that. But they aren’t alike other than that. Depending where you live I would just worry about people pronouncing [name_f]Angela[/name_f] not the way you want it pronounced. Both are lovely though
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They’re quite a tongue twister for me! It’s the 3 sounds that are similar: the juh, awn, and uh. They don’t sound alike though.
I think they sound fine together
[name_f]Giordana[/name_f] is gorgeous!! Works wonderfully with [name_f]Angela[/name_f] imo
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Not too similar imo! [name_u]Love[/name_u] [name_f]Giordana[/name_f]!
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I can see where you are coming from with the sounds but I think it’s still fine. Some people do that kind of thing on purpose. I like them together. They are both feminine and strong.
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I don’t think these are too close.
Literally exactly what I was thinking.
They compliment each other nicely, both having G and N sounds in them, but don’t sound alike! I love [name_f]Angela[/name_f] by the way!!
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Not at all. They’d be perfectly fine together.
I don’t think those sound much alike at all!
No not at all, youre probably just overthinking it🤣you have a lovely name by the way.
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