I am looking for a great name for [name]Cecilia[/name]'s little sister. My favorite so far is [name]Cora[/name]. Would it trap me in a C name for another child? My husband loves [name]Estella[/name]. I do too, but wonder if it sounds even more matchy than a name beginning with the same letter. We’ve also considered [name]Laurel[/name] (although it doesn’t sound great with our last name) and [name]Caroline[/name]. I’d ove your feedback and suggestions. Thanks!!
I love [name]Estella[/name]! Have you considered [name]Coraline[/name]? That is a beautiful and classic name the has the same poetic feel at [name]Cecilia[/name] and [name]Estella[/name].
I don’t think that [name]Cora[/name] or [name]Caroline[/name] sound matchy with [name]Cecilia[/name] at all. [name]Cecilia[/name] starts with an S sound, so it sounds different than [name]Caroline[/name] and [name]Cora[/name]. Thus I don’t believe you would get stuck in a C trend.
[name]Estella[/name] sounds very pretty with [name]Cecilia[/name].
Good luck!!!
I like [name]Caroline[/name], and pp’s suggestion of [name]Coraline[/name] (nn [name]Cora[/name]?) I don’t think two C-named daughters (especially one hard C and one soft) traps you into another C-name at all. To my ears, [name]Estella[/name] is too close to [name]Cecilia[/name].