I want something lovely and uncommon for a girl, but scared of going into the “trashy” territory. Pondering:
[name_f]Peridot[/name_f] (I pronounce this perry-dot)
Two of my favorites but realizing they may not be as timeless as [name_f]Rosemary[/name_f] for example (another favorite of mine).
Recently been crushing on:
[name_f]Peony[/name_f] (I pronounce this pee-OH-nee)
More background:
Husband vetoed [name_f]Opal[/name_f]
Took [name_f]Amethyst[/name_f] off the list because I saw others say it’s “low class” :(, but mostly because I don’t like any of the nick name options.
Personally I wouldn’t use any of them as first names and would only use them in the middle, but I wouldn’t call any of them trashy. I don’t particularly like the sound of [name_f]Peridot[/name_f] or [name_f]Peony[/name_f]. I just don’t really see them as names, but they would work as middle names I guess. [name_m]Just[/name_m] not my style. I definitely wouldn’t use [name_f]Peony[/name_f] as a first name just because she’d probably get a lot of pee jokes. The only one I would really consider using is [name_f]Lavender[/name_f].
I think [name_f]Peridot[/name_f] is too much, and I don’t really like the sound of [name_f]Peony[/name_f] (as the poster above me mentioned, she’d probably get some pee jokes, especially since [name_f]Peony[/name_f] sounds kind of like ‘pee on me’)
[name_f]Lavender[/name_f] is cute! I think it fits right in with the popular L names, -er ending names and flower names. It’s uncommon as a name, but she won’t have problems with people spelling or pronouncing her name. I think [name_f]Lavender[/name_f] is a great choice!
Other names you might consider:
None of them are trashy, but [name_f]Peony[/name_f] pronounced pee-OH-nee does sound like a mistake. It’s usually PEE-uh-nee.
[name_f]Do[/name_f] you by any chance have a Southern accent? That might affect the 3 syllable names, making them sound drawn out?
[name_f]Lavender[/name_f] - pretty, but best said quickly, as if you’re British.
[name_f]Peridot[/name_f] - a hard name to wear, although [name_f]Dottie[/name_f] is a super sweet nickname.
[name_f]Peony[/name_f] - works best as middle name and with the PEE-uh-nee pronunciation.
Consider [name_f]Opaline[/name_f] instead of [name_f]Opal[/name_f].
[name_f]Amethyst[/name_f] is a nice middle name with a strong classic first like [name_f]Winifred[/name_f] or [name_f]Matilda[/name_f].
[name_f]Lavender[/name_f] seems sweet and old-fashioned. [name_f]Peridot[/name_f] sounds exotic. [name_f]Peony[/name_f] is pretty. [name_f]Opal[/name_f] is lovely. [name_f]Amethyst[/name_f] could be seen as dubious somehow.
Maybe it’s because I garden with these plants and wear these stones, but these all seem like great names to me. [name_f]Katniss[/name_f] is to me trashy, not [name_f]Lavender[/name_f].
I like [name_f]Lavender[/name_f]. You also might like the name [name_f]Meadow[/name_f]. That can have the cute nn [name_u]Mo[/name_u]. Others: Arizona, Azalea, Carmela or Carmelle