Are you able to back off when your significant other hates your favorite name?

Have you ever been looking through names and when you spotted that special one, your heart did a dance and you absolutely fell in love with the name? Well, that is how I feel about the name [name_m]Norman[/name_m].
I thought it was such a great name and I was convinced that my husband would think the same, but when I shared it with him, he gave a disgusted look and said “Like [name_m]Norman[/name_m] [name_m]Bates[/name_m] from Psycho?”
I tried to tell him to put that thought out of his mind and ignore that particular [name_m]Norman[/name_m]. He still hated it. He just said it wasn’t his cup of tea. Now I am having a hard time finding something that I love as much as [name_m]Norman[/name_m]! :frowning:
Anyone else feel similar? Did your significant other ever warm up to the name that you loved or was it a lost cause?

I feel for you, hon. I think we have all had that experience! Whether you press on with a name or just drop it, I think, depends on the balance between how bad the dislike is and how much you love it.

My version of this story is [name_m]Oliver[/name_m]. I really like [name_m]Oliver[/name_m] - it is sweet and charming, but not complicated. However, upon mentioning [name_m]Oliver[/name_m] my SO practically chocked and couldn’t say ‘no!’ fast enough. At first I was like “oh, okay” and a bit insulted, but he often takes a little to warm to names, so I mentioned it again a few times over a little while, but each time got responded to with a screwed up face. I eventually got to the realization that I might as well give up and move on.
Other names, however, I have continued to mention until he agrees. Not in a forcing way, but he has eventually come around to a lot of names that he first snubbed. (examples: [name_u]Harmony[/name_u] and [name_f]Poppy[/name_f] - he originally was decidedly against, but has come to love them, especially [name_f]Poppy[/name_f]).

If your hubby is not budging no matter what you do, then, despite the pain, it might be time to let it go… It is not worth having arguments over, and you both need to love the name you give your baby.
Maybe see if you can find some names in a similar vein that he will like?? Or suggest a compromise - he can chose the first name, if you can use [name_m]Norman[/name_m] as a MN - or something like that??

I’ve had the same experience with [name_f]Lucia[/name_f]. This was before we knew if we were having a boy or a girl. I’ve always liked [name_f]Lucy[/name_f], but I fell in love with [name_f]Lucia[/name_f] a few years ago. When I got pregnant I wanted to use that name for a little girl, but my husband didn’t like it at all, to say the least. He’s not the kind of person to shout no or even look disgusted, but I know him well enough to see when he absolutely doesn’t agree with me. I brought it up a few more times, but he just can’t like [name_f]Lucia[/name_f]… So I let it go.
I’m afraid that’s the only thing you can do. In my opinion, you either like a name or you don’t. Of course your preferences can change over time and names can definitely grow on you, but I don’t believe in talking someone into liking a name.

Yep. I’ve been able to back off with little problem. Is it a bit sad that I won’t get to use my favorite name? Not really…because we found a name together that we both love. That’s what is important. Besides, i feel like my husband should have equal say in OUR children’s names. All you can really do is find something that you both like.