Ari, Oren, Noam which is best to suit the middle name - Poll

See the results of this poll: Boys Names

Respondents: 39 (This poll is closed)

  • Ari Ruben: 24 (62%)
  • Noam Ruben: 13 (33%)
  • Oren Ruben: 2 (5%)

[name]Ari[/name] [name]Ruben[/name] is SO handsome!

I voted for [name]Ari[/name] [name]Ruben[/name]. I actually know an [name]Ari[/name] with the middle name [name]Ruben[/name] so I may be biased but I think it’s great! [name]Ari[/name] is such as strong, handsome name!

[name]Hi[/name]! Here’s another vote for [name]Ari[/name], because it’s my favorite first name from your list. :slight_smile: Lots of Rs with [name]Ruben[/name], but I love [name]Ari[/name] too much to pass up. :-)I think it’s so handsome, and the [name]Aris[/name] I’ve known have been amazing people in every way!

If you’re still looking for names, a few more names with two syllables that you may like:

[name]Daniel[/name] [name]Ruben[/name]
[name]David[/name] [name]Ruben[/name]
[name]Jonah[/name] [name]Ruben[/name]
[name]Levi[/name] [name]Ruben[/name]
[name]Micah[/name] [name]Ruben[/name]

If you’re consideing longer first names, too:

[name]Elijah[/name] [name]Ruben[/name]
[name]Ezekiel[/name] [name]Ruben[/name]
[name]Jeremiah[/name] [name]Ruben[/name]
[name]Nathaniel[/name] [name]Ruben[/name]

I think [name]Ari[/name] is wonderful, though, and so special! I think all of the names on your list are great!

Good luck!

I think that [name]Noam[/name] [name]Ruben[/name] probably flows the best, but I like [name]Ari[/name] & [name]Oren[/name] better. If it was [name]Noah[/name] [name]Ruben[/name], I’d be all for that, but it seems to me you’re looking for a less common OT-type name. [name]Joah[/name] [name]Ruben[/name], pehaps? Now that I say it a lot, I’m not sure noam [name]Ruben[/name] flows well. So, I guess I’d say [name]Ari[/name] [name]Ruben[/name], even though the close Rs trip me up.

Thank you for your suggestions. I am still unsure as to which I like best. Maybe some more people could add their vote to the poll.

[name]Ari[/name] [name]Ruben[/name]…definitely! A strong, handsome name.

I think [name]Ari[/name] flows best with [name]Ruben[/name]. I think [name]Ariel[/name] is even better and you could call him [name]Ari[/name].