Arianthe - pronunciation & meaning

See the results of this poll: Which pronunciation?

Respondents: 23 (This poll is closed)

  • ar-ee-ANTH [silent e] : 2 (9%)
  • ar-ee-AN-thee [sounding the e]: 21 (91%)

I would say it with the thee ending, as far as I know all Greek -anthe/-e ending names have an ‘ee’ sound at the end (including [name_f]Iolanthe[/name_f]). I’m not sure what Arianthe means, but I’d assume the -anthe part is flower, and from a quick search [name_u]Ari[/name_u]- stem from a word (aristos) meaning best, most (like in [name_f]Ariadne[/name_f]). So at a guess Arianthe means ‘best flower’. But don’t quote me on it, I’m not certain.

I’d say it “air-ee-an-thee”, even though I guess that doesn’t exactly fit the spelling of the first syllable.

I wouldn’t even know where to begin about the meaning, but I don’t think the meaning matters all too much (unless it does to you…to some it doesn’t).

Thank you all! I’m glad most people seem agreed on the pronunciation!

That was my understanding, too, but the Nameberry pronunciation guide doesn’t agree, so I assumed I was wrong. ? Thanks for the help on the meaning - I’ll bear that in mind!

@namergirl3 - The meaning does matter to me, yes. There are times when I sort of wish it didn’t - my beautiful lost [name_f]Claudia[/name_f]! - but there it is.