Hubby has a brother named [name]Eric[/name] and wants to name a future baby for his bro.
I have to admit to liking [name]Erica[/name], though berries think its too 80’s from what I’ve read.
What about [name]Arie[/name] being a nn for Arica?
I, for one, love '80s and '90s names. Those were some great decades, and names from that era evoke a nostalgia that brings me happy memories. I think [name]Erica[/name] is the best way to honor an [name]Eric[/name], and to me it would be fresh on a baby. As for the Arica option, are you pronouncing it exactly like [name]Erica[/name], or like uh-[name]REE[/name]-kuh? If it is pronounced just like [name]Erica[/name], she will forever be correcting people on the spelling of her name. But if it’s pronounced uh-[name]REE[/name]-kuh, she will forever be correcting people on the PRONUNCIATION of her name. To me it would just get complicated! [name]Arie[/name] is super cute though, either as a stand-alone name or as a nickname for any of the many Ar- names ([name]Araminta[/name], [name]Arabella[/name], etc.).
My name is [name]Erica[/name], and I didn’t even recognize Arica. I first assumed it was pronounced ah-reeka, and then thought it was maybe a misspelling of [name]Africa[/name]?
But…yes I do like the nickname [name]Arie[/name] for Arica. It’s cute.