Arnold - Yes or No??

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] everyone :slight_smile:

I have a name that’s just sprung to mind… [name_m]Arnold[/name_m].

This has kind of come from nowhere and I would love your honest opinions! I’ve checked my trusty Nameberry ebook entitled ‘The Very Best [name_u]Baby[/name_u] Names’ and I’ve got to admit - I’m a little concerned that [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] is nowhere to be seen in the mix of 1300 names that [name_f]Pamela[/name_f] and [name_f]Linda[/name_f] have compiled. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you think this is a sure sign that the name is a no go?

Is it too old man? Or is it ready for a comeback?

Please be honest. I’d really love to hear your thoughts on this one. Thank you! x

Sorry, but it feels old and dusty to me.

Might be showing my age here, but “move it, football head!” still comes to mind when I hear the name [name_m]Arnold[/name_m].

Old man. Well actually, weird middle aged man. Sorry!

[name_m]Arnold[/name_m] does sound very old. However nn [name_m]Arnie[/name_m] is very cute. If you like it, go with it. all new revivals start with one baby being named “XXX”. Other parents see the name, say that is nice and different, and "bob’s your uncle the name starts to rise in popularity,

No problem Berries!

I was after your honest opinions so it’s all good :slight_smile:

I associate it with “Hey [name_m]Arnold[/name_m]” and [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] Schwarzenegger. If I ignore those associations I see no reason why you couldnt use it! [name_m]Arnie[/name_m] is a cool/cute nickname :slight_smile:

@asherose & @gabriellenz,

Thank you for your support!
It’s so, so nice to get some positive feedback after a string a negative responses:) x

I’m not sure, but [name_m]Alfred[/name_m] grew on me so [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] might do too if I mull it over. [name_m]Arnie[/name_m] or [name_u]Arlo[/name_u] would make cute nn

I find it too dated and old-fashioned, sorry!

It’s still too Hey [name_m]Arnold[/name_m], imo. All I think of is [name_f]Helga[/name_f] yelling “Move it, Football Head!!”. Doesn’t help it was one of my favourite cartoons as a child I suppose, but I feel like a lot of [name_u]North[/name_u] American 90s kids would have that association?

I’ve never watched Hey [name_m]Arnold[/name_m], so I wouldn’t associate it with that. The most I’d associate it with is [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] Schwarzenegger, but again, I think that is rapidly becoming a dated pop culture reference. I really like [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] and I think it could have its resurgence in the next decade; it’s got a quirky intellectual vibe to it in my opinion, a la [name_m]Conrad[/name_m], [name_m]Silas[/name_m], [name_m]Rupert[/name_m] etc. [name_m]Arnie[/name_m] and even [name_m]Arno[/name_m] are sweet short forms too.

When I hear [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] I think of names like [name_m]Arthur[/name_m], [name_m]Edward[/name_m], [name_m]Ernest[/name_m] or [name_m]Harold[/name_m]. Some of these types of names are making a comeback, (at least on Nameberry) those old-man names that some of us love like we love old lady names. And some of us would never use because they seem stuck in the generations of our dads and grandfathers. It’s a mixed bag, but nothing is inherently wrong with the name, it really all depends on how it sounds to you and how you associate it.

I actually love [name_m]Arnold[/name_m]!! With or without the nn its adorable and it suits all ages.

Yes it might be a bit “old-fashioned”, but these names are definitely coming back into style again.

Regardless, pick a name you love and not based on its popularity.

I just can’t see it on anyone under fifty. Sorry.

Wow! [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] has really divided opinions within this thread. I can’t say I’m surprised - I had a feeling it would be one of those love/hate names.

The ‘Hey [name_m]Arnold[/name_m]’ association doesn’t resonate with me (thank goodness!) as I’m not based in [name_u]America[/name_u].

I hadn’t though of [name_u]Arlo[/name_u] as a nickname, so thank you for suggesting this :slight_smile:

Thank you again for your support and for your honesty. I’m with you in your description of [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] being ‘sweet and endearing’. I really like how you’ve put [name_m]Arnie[/name_m] into the recently revived category along with [name_u]Alfie[/name_u] and [name_m]Archie[/name_m]. And I’m loving the strong historical ties that [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] has. This is what I’ve been trying to find in a name; a history that can match our son’s and daughter’s name.

You’re right - I shouldn’t worry so much about what others consider to be ‘The Very Best [name_u]Baby[/name_u] Names’ as it’s all extremely subjective!

Thank you for your positive words :slight_smile: Although [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] is rarely heard these days, I’m stoked that you consider it to be ‘quirky and intellectual’ as these are the qualities that I love in a name x

Wow! [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] has really divided opinions within this thread. I can’t say I’m surprised - I had a feeling it would be one of those love/hate names.

The ‘Hey [name_m]Arnold[/name_m]’ association doesn’t resonate with me (thank goodness!) as I’m not based in [name_u]America[/name_u].

I hadn’t though of [name_u]Arlo[/name_u] as a nickname, so thank you for suggesting this :slight_smile:

Thank you again for your support and for your honesty. I’m with you in your description of [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] being ‘sweet and endearing’. I really like how you’ve put [name_m]Arnie[/name_m] into the recently revived category along with [name_u]Alfie[/name_u] and [name_m]Archie[/name_m]. And I’m loving the strong historical ties that [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] has. This is what I’ve been trying to find in a name; a history that can match our son’s and daughter’s name.

You’re right - I shouldn’t worry so much about what others consider to be ‘The Very Best [name_u]Baby[/name_u] Names’ as it’s all extremely subjective!

Thank you for your positive words :slight_smile: Although [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] is rarely heard these days, I’m stoked that you consider it to be ‘quirky and intellectual’ as these are the qualities that I love in a name x

I adore [name_m]Arthur[/name_m], [name_m]Edward[/name_m] and [name_m]Ernest[/name_m] (but can’t use any of them) so I’m super pleased that I’m not the only one who puts [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] into this category :slight_smile:

[name_m]Reading[/name_m] your post has given me hope that [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] could in fact work for a boy born today (or, more precisely, nearly 5 weeks ago… sigh)
To be honest, I think [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] would be adorable for a baby and cheeky little boy and I think it would be quite distinguished on an older man. My only hesitation - I’m not entirely certain that a teenage [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] would be grateful for the name choice? Not unless he was part of a generation of Arthurs, [name_m]Alberts[/name_m], Alfreds et al.

@Clementine_99 - You tried posting the same thing twice and one of the posts got blocked by the spam filter (I approved it before realizing it was a duplicate). Both are showing because I can’t delete anything right now because of technical issues with the site.