Artemis VS Harmonia

See the results of this poll: Artemis or Harmonia?

Respondents: 34 (This poll is closed)

  • Artemis!! : 21 (62%)
  • Harmonia!!: 13 (38%)

I really like [name]Artemis[/name]! I think it has a dreamy quality to it, but since she is the goddess of the hunt, there’s sort of a hidden strength in the name as well. Have you considered [name]Missy[/name] as a nickname? I think [name]Artemis[/name] goes with you daughters’ names better than [name]Harmonia[/name].

[name]Harmonia[/name] reminds me of a harmonica. It doesn’t have the same ability to be a real life name as [name]Artemis[/name] does imo.

We have thought of the nickname [name]Missy[/name] but my husband thinks it sounds like “a mean girl name”. So I’m afraid that is out.

Thanks though! :slight_smile:

Okay :slight_smile:

How about:
Diana/Diane (Roman counterpart)
Emi (Emmy)
Cypress (Artemis’ tree)
Moon (She’s the goddess of the moon)
Luna (see above)

I like Misa, Temmy, Issy and (especially) Emi! I also like Luna!

Thank you so much! I will suggest these to hubby! :slight_smile:

It is hard for me to objectionably evaluate these choices due to the fact that I am more familiar with mythology than the average person, (however, I would venture to say that the average Nameberry is quite familiar with mythology!)

When I hear [name]Apollo[/name] and [name]Artemis[/name] I hear [name]Donny[/name] & [name]Marie[/name], [name]Hansel[/name] and [name]Gretel[/name], etc… a somewhat contrived pairing.

When I hear [name]Apollo[/name] and [name]Harmonia[/name], I think that this is a solid paring, the connecting thread being Greek/Greece rather than a mythical brother/sister duo. [name]Even[/name] though [name]Apollo[/name], [name]Artemis[/name], and [name]Harmonia[/name] are all Greek myth names, [name]Apollo[/name] and [name]Artemis[/name] are siblings with the same mother whereas [name]Harmonia[/name] lineage is different.

…yes, there is an overwrought analysis for you, ha!

I don’t care much about nicknames but my first thoughts were [name]Artis[/name], Tem, and Tiz/Tizzy

For some reason [name]Harmonia[/name] sounds like a disease to me. I think [name]Artemis[/name] fits with the other girls.

[name]Love[/name] [name]Artemis[/name], though not really fond of the twinning with [name]Apollo[/name] due to the same letter and it’s a bit of an obvious twin choice, but really dislike [name]Harmonia[/name] so voted [name]Artemis[/name]. [name]Harmonia[/name] just sounds clunky and too much like ammonia. Isn’t is also an instrument, reminds me of a wheezy accordian or something. Sorry, really dislike.

crossmyheart, would you consider [name]Hermione[/name]? [name]Lovely[/name] name, lovely meaning too.

[name]Apollo[/name] and [name]Hermione[/name]?

My favourite mythological twin names are [name]Helios[/name] and [name]Selene[/name] (also sun god and moon goddess). And now that you mention [name]Apollo[/name] and [name]Artemis[/name]…
In my mind, they’re… unseparated. [name]Apollo[/name] and [name]Harmonia[/name] sounds really nice together, but when the other option is [name]Artemis[/name], it’s like [name]Apollo[/name] and [name]Artemis[/name] should be together.

My favourite mythological twin names are [name]Helios[/name] and [name]Selene[/name] (also sun god and moon goddess). And now that you mention [name]Apollo[/name] and [name]Artemis[/name]…
In my mind, they’re… unseparated. [name]Apollo[/name] and [name]Harmonia[/name] sounds really nice together, but when the other option is [name]Artemis[/name], it’s like [name]Apollo[/name] and [name]Artemis[/name] should be together.

[name]Artemis[/name]-I [name]LOVE[/name] this name! And don’t worry about nicknames because her friends/family will shorten her name to what they want. I don’t like [name]Harmonia[/name] as it reminds me of Harmonica!

I love your existing girls names. Very pretty. Of the two you’re considering I prefer [name]Harmonia[/name]. [name]Artemis[/name] sounds masculine to me and I can’t get passed that, plus I don’t like the cheesy connection of [name]Apollo[/name] and [name]Artemis[/name] as twins. [name]Harmonia[/name] is very pretty and girly and I like that in a name. [name]How[/name] about something like [name]Celestia[/name] as an alternative?

I voted for [name]Artemis[/name] both because I love the name and because I feel the minuses of [name]Harmonia[/name] outweigh the minuses of [name]Artemis[/name]. And for that matter, I think the pluses of [name]Artemis[/name] outweigh the pluses of [name]Harmonia[/name]. I like Temmy, [name]Emi[/name], or [name]Timmy[/name] as nicknames. I think [name]Artemis[/name] goes well enough with your other daughters’ names, better than [name]Harmonia[/name].

([name]Celestina[/name] is a workable, interesting suggestion from Indianruby).

I vote for [name]Harmonia[/name]. It’s super pretty and I think it works well with your other daughters. It’s very cute for a little girl but I think it would also work well on an adult, because [name]Harmony[/name] is an established name. Plus, [name]Harmonia[/name] is a little more sophistocated than [name]Harmony[/name], while still retaining the pretty sound.

I can see though that the comments here seem to favour [name]Artemis[/name]. For some reason I just think [name]Artemis[/name] sounds better on a boy. If you want to use it, can I suggest Artesia or [name]Artemisia[/name] instead? I know that changes the symbolism of the name, but just think it will distinguish her as the girl in the pair.

BTW, I think there is no issue in both having a name that starts with A. You’d probably find that they like it growing up, as a special link they share because they are twins :slight_smile:

My thoughts are a bit mixed. I think [name]Artemis[/name] and [name]Apollo[/name] together is kind of cheesy, but disregarding that, I like [name]Artemis[/name] more as a name than [name]Harmonia[/name].

I voted [name]Artemis[/name] because I don’t like [name]Harmonia[/name], it sounds like ammonia… but given that, I think having an [name]Apollo[/name] and [name]Artemis[/name] is super cheesy and has been done before… Plus [name]Artemis[/name] faces a lot of problems with teasing, which is the main reason why even though I love the name, I will only use it as a middle.

I think [name]Selene[/name] would be a better option.