Using the names (first & middle if available) of some main characters and other characters!
DH: Adil, Alex, Bailey, Bo, Buster, Chip, Edward, Fred, James, Nigel, Ryder, Thomas
DW: Alice, Cora, Emily, Jane, Ladonna, Leah, Lynne, Mary, Molly, Prunella, Thora
DS: Alan, Alouysious, Billy, Bobby, Carson, David, Francis, George, Leonard, Oliver, Shelley, Timothy
DD: Bitzi, Dagmar, Fern, Jenna, Lucy, Maria, Mei Lin, Muffy, Rubella, Vicita, Winifred
DS: Alberto, Arthur, Binky, Bud, Charles, Edsel, Herbert, Miles, Patrick, Theodore, Tucker
DD: Catherine, Dora, Francine, Kate, Laverne, Lydia, Marina, Millicent, Paige, Sue Ellen, Wilhelmina